I'm very interested by this. You can't keep doing the same thing forever, unless you're a Late Night host apparently. I don't see The Colbert Report surviving the loss of Colbert. All I'm hoping for is that the sarcasm and satire transfers over to Late Night, even if the political aspects are removed. I'm cautiously hopeful.
Have you ever seen Colbert on Meet The Press or Oprah's Next Chapter? He is absolutely delightful out of character. I can confirm this too when I saw him tape in midtown west. He's just a terribly genuine person whose utmost concern is the people around him.
I think this is a perfect for the Late Show. The Colbert Report was not a fluke and it won't be his only spectacular performance as a person given he has already knocked off Second City and The Daily Show.
It's an interesting pick. I suppose CBS wanted to continue with a parody character running the show like Letterman has been, but Colbert is a very politically-centered character. I'm not sure it would work when talking about non-political topics as well; not to mention, he'll definitely have to tone it down and be more conservative with his joking to be in the spot with CBS.
I think you've forgotten how aggressive Letterman was when he started out. The censors were up in arroars. Also, keep in mind: Colbert was a staff writer on SNL. The Colbert Report was a foil for the Daily Show and Colbert was definitely playing a role, but prior to that role he showed some impressively diverse chops.
Don't get me wrong, I think Letterman is great. I think a lot of what he did was lost on a younger audience, but it was still respectable even to those people. I think CBS now though, as opposed to when Letterman took the job, will try to play it safe. Most of what they do now is playing it safe in the last five or so years, with Craig Ferguson as an exception, but that's a very late time slot. It will be interesting to see how it goes, and who knows, maybe they've give him some free reins to bring in a younger audience.
Craig Ferguson's late show is easily my favorite on TV and has been for a while now. It's a shame it's on so late and I'm either asleep or doing other things when his show is on.
I think it's very intriguing. I don't know if his brand of humor will transfer over to a less political and sarcastic show, but if anybody can make it work it will be Colbert. This definitely has the potential to work out well, and maybe even be game changing.
I think the guy is talented enough to pull just about anything off. What I'm curious about is whether another faux republican will take over the Repor(t)?
- whether another faux republican will take over the Repor(t)?
According to http://tvline.com/2014/04/10/stephen-colbert-david-letterman-the-late-show-host
- Comedy Central released a statement hinting that The Colbert Report will stop production when Colbert leaves.
Good question. I think Colbert and his character are too iconic to continue the show, personally. Maybe they'll come up with a different political show to replace the Report? At least that's what I hope, I just don't see a replacement being able to fill Colbert's shoes.
As Meriadoc brought up, I think Colbert's character is key to this move. Will Colbert ditch the character, tone it down, or keep it completely on the show? Personally I see him toning it down. Colbert is smart enough to know his appeal lies in his character, but also knows the conservative character is a limited shtick that won't translate well to a more generalized late night show.
I have heard a number if interviews with Colbert, the man not the character, and he's brilliant and entertaining. I don't think he needs his character at all in order to take on this show. In fact, I think it would be a mistake to pigeon hole himself in that role moving forward. Moreover, I think it would be a mistake to not have someone else take over The Repor(t) on Comedy Central. There are other entertainers that could do something cool with that premise too. His character is based on Bill O'reilly, imagine someone doing a parody of Sean Hannity or better yet Glenn Beck! -that's my guess for the way this will all play out.
There's a really cynical part of me that wants to say that he was picked largely because of his recent bit of trouble with the whole cancel Colbert thing. The rage behind that is enough to attract viewers for a few episodes just to see if he fails horribly. Doesn't matter to programmers if they're watching because they like him, or because they hate him, they care that they're watching.
Remember, as much of a cultural icon the Late Show is, it's really just another way to sell ad time.
Nah, this is along term bet and that's a flash in the pan moment. Colbert's mass appeal was well in place long before that silliness.
Vox has a great list of Colbert not in character
In other news, wasn't Vox supposed to redefine online journalism or something? This seems like they are doing the same old shit. Showed up first on Google so I guess they've gotten the online journalism thing. Just not the "new, better" online journalism part.
The funniest clip I've ever seen of Colbert was before he had his own show - sorry non-US hubskiers. I can't find this on youtube :(
Colbert will be fine. Different. But just fine I'm sure. Nothing will beat Dave's casual timing though. In more sad news, this is sure to be the end of Paul Shaffer's band as well. What an absolute killer group.
EDIT: Just thinking about Paul's ohh's and ahh's into the microphone from off camera, or the way he throws his hands down to direct his band to stop. What a great job that must be.
Good call about missing Dave and Paul. Dave was/is one of a kind. Every other person in that arena lacks the cynicism Dave brings to the chair. I appreciate that about him. As for Paul, the guy has worked with everyone from the Beatles to… You name it. Started off at Saturday Night Live back with your original group, is the producer for all of the rock 'n roll Hall of Fame stuff. Guy is everywhere and I would imagine he has some stories to tell. Talented fella.
Edit: one of my favorite Dave interactions:
I'm devastated. The Report has been a part of my day for years, and I seriously doubt Stephen will have as much leeway in the late night slot. I fear his humor will be castrated by a format that has served as a bone pile for funny people who wouldn't fit in the box. In short, I'm not happy about it but I'll try to watch.
I think he'll be himself on the late night show and not the character. Im excited to see what he does with it. Also, I refuse to spell his name with a "ph" any respectable man uses a "v". -I should know.