I always feel bigger than I am
In so many ways
Today I feel as broken as twelve
I always drink more than you
No matter who you are
The past is the past
But the past hasn't passed
And I pass on each moment I'm in
The door is so closed
The door is so close
Tomorrow I'll knock forty times
I wear all new clothes
I'll shave my head
Sit silent and sigh
Lent my jeans to two kids
Shut up! Cover it all in awareness
Put it in perspective, TNG. The first say, 15 years of your life on average are not in your control. That means you're really only been in some semblance of "control" of your life for 14 years. You've done not too bad, IMO, and I barely know of you and your accomplishments. you still, statistically, have another 39 years of life. ALL of that will be in your "control" (if you're luck and not incontinent and drooling at 75). Imagine what you can do with not only another single amount of your life, but actually DOUBLE your controllable lived experience - all over again. you have SO much time left, TNG, that you'll be sick of us before your time is up.
Hello flags! pm me your email address. I have thoughts from time to time. They are soooo big, they would only fit in flagamuffin's inbox and NOWherE ELSE. They are also microscopically small, atom-sized even. But be careful, because these thoughts might be the beginning of a conversation.
Math isn't sp00n's strong suit, but man o man, she plays a mean bass!
... well, I mean, you're not wrong ;) Idunno why I thought 15 and 14 were 39. I'm losin' it, dawg. anyways, you get my point though, right?
that's part of the reason why "control" is in quotations. I mean, what does it mean to be "in control?"
Well, I've at least taken measures to hold it at bay. Now I need to do those cells justice and start exercising and eating properly. Edit: and thank you