I just started poking around this place. I like the following and tagging system, I like the high signal to noise ratio, and I like the intimate community feeling. This place seems kind of insular, though that's not necessarily a bad thing. I personally would prefer more topics and a higher velocity of comments and posts. Is there interest in growth and in more fresh blood like me?
Haha. I just made an account when I first checked Hubski out, forgot about it the next day, and then saw another post on Reddit that reminded me of it again. My world is busy lately. Projects at work, taking the GRE (which I haven't studied for yet) in a week and a half, relationship woes, and I have an almost two year old. And I decided to start cutting weight, so I am hungry all the time on top of everything else. But overall, things are pretty good in my world. I feel challenged, which is kind of a nice feeling sometimes, as long as you take care of yourself too.
Wow. You'll fit well in with half the other people here on Hubski on that alone. A lot of the users here are productive, go getter types. It's fun to see what people are up to in Pubski, people always got things going on. How's the weight cutting going for you? You doing any activities to go along with it?
Weight lifting. Right now I'm doing a program called 5/3/1 boring but big. I've been lifting for about a year and am a whole lot stronger now, which is really confidence boosting. I look somewhat different too. But I've never really been lean, you know? I want to see what I look like if I diet down to having abs. I realized at some point that all the muscular looking people you see are first and foremost lean, with some amount of muscle. If you're not lean, you don't really stand out as strong looking unless you're REALLY strong, which I am not yet. But cutting while lifting weights sucks. Everything is harder, and you stop gaining strength. I think it's even affecting my moods and giving me random aches and pains, which I guess makes sense because not eating enough screws with your hormone production.
Hi, welcome. I like the slow velocity of comments and posts, it gives enough time to read and think.
It's growing on me the more time I spend here. I've blocked Reddit at work and replaced it with Hubski, to help me get work done. I think that Reddit has re-wired my brain over the years to expect regular meaningless dopamine hits and instant entertainment/distraction, at the expense of substance and growth. So, sometimes I want my internet sugar rush, but the longer I stay away from that kind of content, the more space I have in my brain.
When people slowly trickle in, they get to know the culture of the place, they learn the people and personalities involved and can decide how or even if they want to fit in. When you get a nice slow steady growth curve, you maintain the site and build a community. For an example of non-organic growth, look what happened to Voat. Voat was a right-wing Reddit clone with the exact same and feel as Reddit, but from a conservative circle-jerk versus the liberal/progressive/libertarian leanings of Reddit. Then last year the "fat people hate" and racists mostly bailed on reddit and overwhelmed Voat in about a month. The whole character of the site flipped a switch and is now not something I want to deal with.
I definitely do not want something like this to happen to Hubski, but if it did, I wonder if the design of this site would limit the spread of damage? The global feed would be polluted, but would the community "web of trust" created through following people an tags would remain mostly untainted, because people can be filtered and so can domains. On a related note, I feel that the design of Hubski encourages me to post exactly what interests me instead of some combination of a community voice and my voice like other communities do, because I know that I can be both followed and ignored on an individual level as people decide if they like what I post. It's freeing.
steve and everyone else - I can't keep up. These slogans are coming hard and fast -- just the way we like it - but I missed a good one last week. ANYONE can post a new slogan or sticker suggestion. Just add it in the comments. Note: the comments include some of the more ruder slogan suggestions, so don't let the kids see.
I do find them funny, or "fund them funny" as you put it. And they should ALL be archived, so my call was to everyone.Oh no! I wasn't really tagging them for you to do anything with them...
Oh equally no. I wasn't responding to accuse you of pressuring me!! I felt more saddened (at not being SuperWoman) than pressured. (if that's too hard to believe, just ignore the previous sentence)
The very first time I found Hubski, two groups of reddit trolls were dominating the front page, and I noped out. Six or so months later, I came back and forgot I had been here before, the trolls were gone, and people were talking about interesting things. I created this account and have been here ever since.
We've had a number of large influxes. It's nothing to be concerns about. It makes the place full of #askhubski and #newtohubski posts for a week or so and then those that aren't a good fit tend to dissipate and then we are left with those that like it here. It works well actually. Voat wanted everyone. No matter of their disposition. During the last big migration we made this post: Not exactly the thing you do to attract everyone and anyone. Big difference between Hubski and Voat. There's no doubt that they have a larger community than we do but we are not about how many people, we are about the quality of those people.
Also, check out #meethubski to get to know some of the community. Cheers!
I would say that the majority of people on hubski discovered it through posts or comments on Reddit. That's fine by us. Spread the word to your smart friends! Glad you found Hubski. Let me know if you have any questions about the site. I always recommend that newbies check our our primer page:
Quickly, artificially, without time for the native culture to adjust to an influx of new users. No. It will have negative short-term and positive long-term effects.As opposed to how?
Is it taboo to promote this place on sites like Reddit and Hacker News?
I've actually found I like following people who aren't as active, because you'll see the active people anyways. I'm starting to follow the less active people instead because otherwise I don't really catch them. Granted that is what works for me now, who knows about a week from now.
Welcome! Pro-tip - if the hubwheel next to your name (in the upper-left corner) is orange, click it. That's where you'll see notifications. If it's blue, there are notifications, but not any new ones. Grey means neither.
Welcome to the party. Some favorites to get you started: