StJohn's a Hubski user, right? The hair. Such an intense colour.
Sorry for being the accountability police for promised baked goods.
What's more likely to be overheard at my wingding: "Yup, these things have reaaaaally gone down-market. I'm only here because he promised there'd be cake."
This piece rocks. EDIT: ref
My grandfather is a 33rd degree Mason. My grandmother, my aunt, her three daughters and lots of their friends are all Eastern Star. If my father hadn't steadfastly refused to profess a belief in a higher power, he'd be some 32nd degree Grand Mason right now. My grandfather used to travel around the four corners area teaching Masons their vows. He even has the tiny car. You know whenever the Flintstones have some gag about the moose lodge? That's the masons. Eastern Star just does their baking. The whole "FATAL" thing is just the same super-secret-squirrel thing that little boys grow out of by the time their voice drops but freemasons never quite shake. I'm serious. Any thoughts you may have about the sinister order of freemasonry will go right the fuck out the door the minute you watch a 94-year-old dude in gold lame conga solemnly around in a figure 8 while everyone's daughters (Eastern Star, every last one of them) giggle and crack up.