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It is hard to comprehend the enormity of this event from only barely reading about in school history books. Reading accounts like this gives a touching experience on how dramatic it really was.
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As a manager of multi milllion dollar a year company, my job incorporates several tasks and duties, A Tale of Two Bosses, resonates deep at home. I know manage a once failed territiory in Los Angeles, where the previous manager had the same tools and open check book from the owner as I do. Although I had a college education I grinded out treacherous seasons as a bathtub re-finisher. I learned the struggle of being a technician who is over worked and under paid. The previous lady was hands off, by the book, manager. I feel I have succeed because of "being one" with my employees has allowed me to "guide" them by being hands on and forecasting future numbers and occurrences so the small office is able to handle a large volume of work. Nice lil' read.
It is hard to say no to the big bucks drilling will bring in. He came into office on an "environmentally friendly" platform but now has made the decision to threaten the livelihoods of many indigenous folk. Ecuador has always been an iffy regarding international politics.
The bachelor's degree has now become the high school diploma. I felt my 6 years at University to get a bachelor's degree was an easy test to see if I could read something, comprehend it, then pass an exam or write an essay based on the random material. $30,000 later in government loans, I yet to see the payoff and am in an industry where experience is more competitive than education.
Hiram Bingham, a North American explorer, or a modern day thief? My family who are locals of the Peruvian Andes, share their knowledge of the American discovery of this ancient city. Explorers for years have been trying to find this city to no avail. The altitude is high, transportation is minimal, and the city is more than a myth than reality. Come Hiram Bingham, with his ultimate goal to find the treasures buried deep in this unknown city, with his team or archeologists financed by one of the wealthiest institutions in North America. They ask the indigenous locals of this city but the secret is well kept, as the locals are reluctant to give information knowing the westerners have a hidden agenda. It was a young campesino, or land dweller, that for the mere price that adds up to $10 in their times, agrees to show Bingham and his crew this lost ancient city. Once the city is discovered, Bingham and his crew loot the city for its riches including the precious gold that has been hidden for years. Small pay offs to government officials allows for the treasures to be smuggled into the US without Bingham and his crew being caught. An ancient city that has always been known to the locals, is now claimed to being found by an American explorer. Items stolen from the ancient city are never to be found, yet Hiram Bingham is credited for the discovery of a city that has well been discovered before him and occupied by the indigenous. Now it is a Disneyland, deemed one of the seven wonders of the world, with the Mickey Mouse ears as hats being replaced by the peruvian beanie, or chullo. Hiram Bingham is considered to be like Christopher Columbus, somebody who stole from the indigenous, but is credited for this city that has been discovered long before he set foot in this magical place.