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Haha I'm glad you like it. I don't expect anyone to actually use it but it was really fun figuring out how to get things in different places using lots of hack-y solutions!
Wow. What you've said is absolutely spot on. I'm interested in what you think about I've started following this guys blog recently and most of what he's said is really interesting. I feel it's less self help and more him carrying out experiments to improve the quality of his life. I guess my point is that is it good to read stuff like that or will it eventually have negative effects?
American Football, DARTZ!, Empire! Empire, Enemies, Fish Tank, Maybeshewill, Minus the Bear, Pele, Piglet, Renaissance Sound, The Speed of Sound in Seawater, Tangled Hair, Thieves of the American Dream, This Town Needs Guns, 3nd, 14 foot 1, 65 Days Of Static. Dorena, We All Inherit the Moon, Explosions in the Sky, Mogwai, Oak, (The) Slowest Runner (In All The World), God is An Astronaut. I tried to choose a few and I ended up with too many, it's too hard to choose between them! The first lot are quite up-beat and most are described as math rock, I believe. The second lot are more ambient and instrumental, great for when you're working. All (or most) of them fall under the post rock genre, which if you can't tell, I love!
It's in the UK in between a town and the village where I live. The river near the village is usually quite busy with dog walkers, but once you cross a side river (tributary?) then there's no one about. To access it from the town you have to cross a train track which I guess puts people off too, but it's so worth it. It's such a beautiful walk and there's benches and little fishing huts which are great places for BBQs! The one downside is a nearby factory, but I think it can look quite beautiful sometimes. If you're into Toe then I'd happily recommend you some similar bands.
I've been listening to Dorena lately, this song is really great.
I've only met one other person who could do it, and that was my sister. I guess it's not something people talk about so I wouldn't know if other people could.
In public? I guess that is kinda strange, never seen anyone do that around where I live.
Next time I am in possession of a full water bottle I will give it a bash. I have some mighty lungs.
I bet by waking up in the morning and looking at the bottom of your hand you can judge how good your night was. I always seem to get random bruises in the strangest places after a night of heavy drinking.
Can you stretch your neck skin over your face?
How did that come about?
I'm pretty sure someone else would have uploaded it if they hadn't due to the game's lack of DRM. Also, it mentions that the game starts normally then after investing some time into it it gradually begins to fail. I don't know about you but I wouldn't steal it to check out the clever twist.
I couldn't agree more. Often I write out a large response to a comment, then feel no need to submit it once I've written it. It just helps clarify ideas I have. Almost deleted this one.