Based on shared tag, or shared liked post. Something like twitter cause I simply dont have time to check new people interested in the same type of article as me.
Intuitively I believe I dont care for people sharing the same guys I follow. But Tags!! Yes new guys with same tags selection! Want to hear about them.
EDIT: Tags suggestion is less important. Tags are easy to come by. Users, we dont even know their name. So we should have users suggestion.
Disagree completely. I think we should propose a list of tags to follow. Suggesting people smacks of elitism and furthers the "power user" problem we have with 10 percent of us submitting 90 percent of the heavily-shared content. Please don't do this. mk thenewgreen
Doesn't that defeat the point of suggesting "popular"* users? And how do we choose those people? Etc. I would either leave the current status quo like b_b wants or stick to suggesting popular content via the tag system. I advocate suggesting tags because I think it points a brand new user right to where hubski is at its most active (which heads off a perceived criticism). *where popular equates to interesting and knowledegable
Welcome to Hubski! We actually just changed the new user sign up process. What did you think of it? I'd be interested to know. I think what ooli I is suggesting is that even after you are a part of the community for a a while Hubski will suggest users to follow.
I thought it was just about as good as any new user sign-up for a heavily user-based forum can be. It suggested both people and tags to follow. To follow up with a few other comments, the tags and chatter links at the top are how I discover new content (not specifically related to the tags or people I follow) Idea: Maybe a "most active tags over the past x days" list, much like the twitter "Trending topics"
I wonder if having a trending topics list would stifle serendipity? mk what do you think?
What about something like this on the community page: where the syntax is #tag: [posts in last 24h] | [posts in last 7d] | [lifetime posts] This would allow users to see which tags were popular due to recent events (i.e., if the fist two numbers were very close to the third) or which are popular over the long term. Perhaps the timeframes could be customizable in the user's settings, I could see day, week, month, year, and lifetime each being useful in certain situations. (the numbers here are foobars)?
Interesting idea neptath, thank you. b_b, what do you think?
A completely unrelated suggestion - an easier way to browse the badges page. As it is, the page just has every single badged post in one list, which is overwhelming. Maybe it could be sorted by tag as well, or something? Pagination? Just a thought. I was bored and wanted to look at Hubski's finest, and it seemed a shame that one can only see the newer badged posts unless they want to go trawling through the list.