The weekly music thread is old enough to drink now.
Classwar Karaoke - 0022 Survey
Not music, but a book about music: Assimilate: a Critical History of Industrial Music, by Alex Reed of ThouShaltNot.
LORDE - Royals
Everyone's mad about Lorde here. Royals was on high rotation for months and months and months. Check out the rest of her EP - I've only listened to parts of it, because I heard Million Dollar Bills on the radio and it was horrible, but the opening track, Bravado, is pretty damn nice.
Really? I just heard it on the radio this morning and I'm in love but I can tell it's going to be on high rotation soon so I'm trying not to listen to it. I can also tell it's going to burn out fast. Not really impressed with her other stuff though. Bravado is alright.
Royals reminds me a little of MIAs Paper Planes the first time you heard it.
Everyone was really impressed because she's supposedly this local 16yo girl who self-produced and released the stuff herself, but talk within the industry here suggests she's a product that a couple of years of planning went into, which is interesting. Good exposure for Kiwi music, though.
But yeah, Royals was definitely the strongest part of that EP.
I've been listening to a lot of Chiptune music lately, namely Bit Shifter, who is in my opinion one of the Apex's of what Chiptune can be. Oh and I know him to a slight extent so that's cool too.
I've also decided to go back and listen to Arcade Fire starting with Funeral, which is one of those albums that defines "Independent" music and the spirit of music. Flawless album, and Neon Bible and The Suburbs are also good enough to warrant the praise they receive.
Funeral is flawless, you are right. What a fantastic album straight through. I wasn't that crazy about Neon Bible though, perhaps because Funeral is such a hard act to follow or perhaps it was because from title to sound it's a pretty heavy handed effort. I found more subtlety on Funeral. Great band.
Just came across Kittens of the Internet a few minutes ago. Great New Zealand electropop band, probably good for fans of Lorde etc.
And I've been listening to Tiny Ruins' new album non-stop since I saw her play last weekend (I worked the door one night, so got to chat to her quite a bit, too. Lovely girl). Absolutely fantastic folk album. Also a New Zealander.
Two Door Cinema Club - Next Year probably going to go see them in NY in October. I like this song a lot. Its one of those i listen to on repeat.
I wasn't huge on their sophomore album, but I can listen to anything off of Tourist History and be incredibly happy with it.
I listened to this song many times yesterday and today. Thanks for a good lead in to this album.
Yeah. I like this one. I was introduced to their newer album originally though so I am going to have to commit more time to Tourist History.
Ensemble D.E.U.M - Tant que vivray
We're singing this in our choir now. Cool renaissance song.
Just discovered San Cisco from this cover they did of Daft Punk's Get Lucky. Fred Astaire is a good original song of theirs.
#SelfReply I like how they focus on the girl playing the drums in this video. She is cute. It reminds me of this Gotye cover. The blonde girl from Walk off the Earth is beautiful too.
I know that it's been mentioned on Hubski already but I really dove in to Vampire Weekends new album due to a hearty endorsement from sounds_sound. It's a really great listen all the way through. As s_s mentioned to me in his endorsement, the panning on the album is pretty sweet. If you listen, headphones are a must. The panning of the percussion is particularly engaging. As someone that experimented with a bunch of hard-panning in the past, I realize how difficult it is to use it and not take the listener out of the song. This also goes for using vocal effects, it can be distracting if not used properly but Vampire Weekend does a fantastic job of toggling that line on this album. If you've not checked it out already, I would suggest it. It's a good listen.
I also listened to Grizzly Bear per jonaswildman's suggestion and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I got the album Shields and while I enjoyed it, some of the tracks were definitely stronger than others, the track that I linked to "Yet Again" being the strongest imo. I have a feeling that this album could really grow on me though as it's not nearly as overtly melodic as the Vampire Weekend album, for example.
I also listened to an older album that I've always loved The New Pornographers, Twin Cinema. This album has two great back to back tracks on it Sing Me Spanish Techno and Falling Through Your Clothes, and the rest of the album is great too. If you're already a fan of The New Pornographers but you've not checked out A.C Newman's solo stuff, be sure to check it out. Here's one of my favorites that never got any hubski love :)
Good music week for me.
Yellow House is not only my favorite Grizzly Bear album, but it also ranks as one of my all-time favorite albums, and one of the few I can listen to front to back without skipping any tracks. Truth be told, I'm only sort of so-so on the rest of their stuff. But Yellow House is a must-have, in my book. Hits just the right balance between weird and poppy, direct when it needs to be and twisty as often as it can get away with. Feels like it was composed, not just written and recorded, if you know what I mean. There's a slope to the whole album that can only be approached by a full listen, but every song holds its own.
The later albums feel more like just a collection of singles. And even if all the singles range from solid to great, they never approach more than the sum of their parts.
Check out Yellow House, give it a few listens. It's a bit of a grower, but once you get there, you won't be able to passively listen to it ever.
Thanks fuffle, I just found an old iTunes gift card that was given to me at christmas that I misplaced. I know how I'll use it now.
Shields is a solid album. But that's all that it is, solid. It's nothing that is mind-blowingly good, but it doesn't have a bad point on the record. That said, you're spot on that parts are better than others. I've found it gets a little better after a couple of listens.
The New Pornographers are a really good band, but I prefer Bejar's other band, Destroyer.
Destroyer is awesome, thanks for the link. What a distinctive voice. I also dig Neko Case, the New Pornographers are one of those "super groups" that never gets mentioned in the "super-group" conversation.
I haven't listened to Ween in years. I'm pretty sure mk is a fan. I washed dishes at an Italian restaurant in Missoula MT while in College and on the weekends we were busy enough to need two dishwashers. My partner in crime in the dish tank was a big Ween fan and whenever we worked together and it was his turn to pick the music we listened to, he chose Ween. I always liked "The Mollusk."
Nice. I always forget how much I like Ween, but I think they're buried in my musical psyche. Too many times, during/after a break up (mine or a friend's) Baby Bitch has spontaneously started playing in my mind.
Danny Brown is holding down Detroit pretty well in this one. Dude is definitely on some other shit.
And here's a bit of computer love for all you funky brothers and sisters.
- And here's a bit of computer love for all you funky brothers and sisters.
For some reason I've been listening to this a lot lately. Besides that I've been jamming stuff I've already mentioned in these threads.