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comment by cliffelam
cliffelam  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leak case of committing crimes

What makes him not a journalist?


b_b  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

His show is classified as an entertainment show, meaning he doesn't do journalism. He's Howard Stern with a political bent. He doesn't break stories, or have sources; he doesn't fact check, or pretend to give equal time. In short, nothing he does resembles journalism; that's what makes him not a journalist.

mk  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't know that I agree. Even though Rush is a blowhard hypocrite shockjock, if he were to disclose information from a source on air, I think that would be Rush practicing journalism, and he should be protected as such. Regardless of whether or not he was doped up at the time.

It's the action that is protected, not the profession.

cliffelam  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's good that people can make fun of Rush's drug problem. People rarely mention Hilary's pathological lying, or Bill's Duchovney-esque sexual addiction every single time the name comes up.

But you are right on about the protected action. I say that everyone has the same free speech rights and same 4th amendement protections as the "special" ones "given" to the press. Fark that, everyone should be able to protest email and phone record searches.


ecib  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    It's good that people can make fun of Rush's drug problem.

Not only is it good, it's proper that they do since Rush not only does the same, he uses the disease of addiction to shame and discredit his political rivals, and uses it as one would a slur.

The best remedy for that sort of thing is reminding people that the messenger is guilty of behavior he is attacking others for engaging in.

thenewgreen  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

They may not mention it regarding Bill, but somewhere in their heads they are thinking about it. If you were of age during it, the epic impeachment process and the media frenzy that surrounded it means you cannot disassociate him from it.

For example: OJ Simpson

What did you just think of? Kudos to you if the answer was either, football, the Naked Gun movies or Hertz rental car.

cliffelam  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

People do mention that OJ was acquitted and then nailed in civil court - bout every time you hear his name.

I'm just tired of the double standard for Rush relative to other (*cough* left cough) people.


thenewgreen  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think mk's "glass house" comment is spot on. When you live by the sword...

cliffelam  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

So when Hilary finger-wags and they don't mention her serial pathological lying and a 25+ year investment in a sham marriage, that's not a glass house double standard?

When Bill gets on the campaign trail as a surrogate for Obama and accuses Romney of lying or Rand of saying kooky stuff, nobody mentions his gigantic history of sexual harassment (proven), financial scandals, etc, etc?

Nope, no double standard here, move right along.....

Did you hear Leno last night? Fox is changing their tagline from "Fair and Balanced" to "I told you so!"


mk  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    It's good that people can make fun of Rush's drug problem.

Only because he throws so many stones from that glass house.

But, yes, I am aware of Hillary's truth issues. Everyone is aware of Bill's issue.

Absolutely agree on the second point. Both parties failing us there. It seems a systemic problem.

b_b  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You don't agree that he's not a journalist?!?! You or I could get a source and blog about it, and then we'd be journalists. For now, however, we're not, so it's hypothetical. Same applies to him. He has to right to practice journalism if he chooses, but he doesn't so he has nothing to worry about from the administration.

mk  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I wouldn't typically call Rush a journalist, but I would say that he practices journalism from time to time.

I would say that I am practicing journalism here on Hubski occasionally.

thenewgreen  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media
-According to Merriam Webster, he would fall under the journalism definition. -It's pretty broad.
cliffelam  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Who gets to choose how much "blowhard opinion" someone has in their broadcast before they're a journalist?

There is no hate speech or unprotected speech - there is just speech.


b_b  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think you and mk don't have any idea what I was saying, so I'll restate it. Rush doesn't need to worry about the gov't coming down on him, because he doesn't, as far as I know, practice journalism in the way the word is usually used--that is, investigative journalism. I never said that he doesn't have a right to say what he wants, when he wants, to whomever he wants.

mk  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I see. However, if Rush said he heard this about North Korea from a source, between blowing hotair, then for that short moment I think he would be practicing journalism, and be protected as such.

cgod  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·  

He's a journalist in the same way that Jimmy Swaggart was a priest.