You don't agree that he's not a journalist?!?! You or I could get a source and blog about it, and then we'd be journalists. For now, however, we're not, so it's hypothetical. Same applies to him. He has to right to practice journalism if he chooses, but he doesn't so he has nothing to worry about from the administration.
the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media
-According to Merriam Webster, he would fall under the journalism definition. -It's pretty broad.
I think you and mk don't have any idea what I was saying, so I'll restate it. Rush doesn't need to worry about the gov't coming down on him, because he doesn't, as far as I know, practice journalism in the way the word is usually used--that is, investigative journalism. I never said that he doesn't have a right to say what he wants, when he wants, to whomever he wants.