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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  45 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Trumps First Two Weeks

The problem, Steve, is you feel like you should have an opinion other than "what the fuck is this bullshit" which means you've already lost.

Ostensibly, Trump ran on (1) deport everyone (2) Tariffs will save us (3) grocery prices are coming down on Day 1 (4) Palestine and Ukraine will be solved immediately. There were no clear plans for any of those points but...

Let me digress. I subscribe to FT Alphaville because it's free and it's extreme financial snark. Fortunately for everyone I can't forward or link anything because if you aren't in the system you're out in the cold but every now and then?

So this is my new favorite term for Trump-era unforced errors and stupidity, courtesy JP Morgan Chase: "Left Tail Risk."

I had a roommate down in LA who I came home to find despondent once. When I asked him why, he said "I have to burn my shoes now." This wasn't him figuring out how he felt about New Balance's ad policies or balancing his comfort with any social inconvenience he might suffer for his Nazi footwear, this was a man who had gotten so wrapped up in a miasma of self-reinforcing social media bullshit that he was looking for lighter fluid before contemplating what he'd wear to work the next day.

Counterpoint: We had a patient who was given megadoses of Ivermectin for her COVID by another naturopathic doctor we know, and she wanted to know if it was going to be safe for her baby. Now - ivermectin has been a frontline anti-parasitic since the early '70s. It's a well-profiled drug. You could look up dozens of studies on Ivermectin going back decades, describing its safety and efficacy across many diseases and cohorts, and not find a single one related to pregnancy. Which, since Ivermectin is largely used in the developing world and since pregnancy is not unknown there, says one thing really clearly: Merck has no need to test Ivermectin in pregnancy because they know beyond a reasonable doubt they won't like the answers and "not studied" kicks the shit out of massive nasty contraindication warnings all over their meds.

These studies weren't hard to find. It took us ten minutes to go "uhhh, yeah, this could very well fuck up your baby" (baby miscarried). But since the popular media was full of Fauci trying to do his job and Trump telling us to inject bleach, the lunatic fringe elevated Ivermectin to the point where our friends were prescribing it through sheer dumb flooding of the zone.

Back to Trump. Of his thumbnail sketch presidential platform, (1) is a bunch of search engine chicanery (2) has been an absolute shitshow (3) hasn't been mentioned since election day (4) is a resort maybe, you know where he got the idea.. The senile, bloviating dipshit is zero for four but instead of looking at that, you're out here trying to have an educated opinion about annexing Panama.

veen posted this about four hours before you posted the above:

You shouldn't have to have an opinion about annexing Greenland. Nobody should. It's a fucking stupid idea. The fact that it's never come up before demonstrates how stupid it is - there's a world full of experts that make a lot of money to think about feasibility and advantage and "make Greenland a territory" has never come up. Make Puerto Rico a state? Ohhh yeah. That one has been coming up for decades. Trump would never go for that, though because here's the thought process:

- see a map

- see Russia & Canada

- see how much bigger they are than the United States

- see how turning Greenland into the United States makes it more bigly

The dude hasn't even gotten to Mercator Projection Thinking but here we are jawboning about canal tariffs because Trump walks past Teddy Roosevelt's portrait. And you can think that no one is that black and white, but I know about two dozen people who worked with Trump - the only reason I never worked The Apprentice is I'm an elitist who doesn't like leaving my air conditioned submarine and they couldn't pay me enough but I know both sound supervisors on that show, half the mixers and two thirds of the camera department and that's exactly who he is. We once (before 2016) had a discussion in the booth about who had less object permanence, Paris Hilton or Donald Trump and while Paris won, it was a real debate.

When John Bolton calls you a lightweight? You're a lightweight. Someone once described Trump as a poor person's idea of a rich person. He is also now a stupid person's idea of a smart person.

None of which would matter, except that your takeaway is

    In short, fuck the DNC for brining us to this point.

I get it? But the DNC had to deal with half the country insisting a vote for Harris was a vote for Intifada. Had to skirmish about transgender prison reassignment rather than the best pandemic recovery in the world by far. "They're eating the dogs" came up in a mutherfucking presidential debate and this is somehow the DNC's fault?

THAT is "left tail risk." It's a refusal to grapple with real issues because you're wholly consumed by fake ones.

usualgerman  ·  44 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My theory of the problem with America is that we are paying so much attention to politics that it’s fried our brains. I see it on both sides, people are absolutely hyperventilating about what Trump is doing or not doing, what the democrats are or are not doing about whatever Trump is or is not doing. Liberal women taking to TikTok to tell other liberal women to buy “cute winter boots” (read: firearms to hold threateningly near ICE agents). Honestly, I think most of this will eventually blow over and mean nothing. We aren’t going to take Greenland or Panama. I doubt we’ll do anything substantial in Gaza. The purge of government employees won’t change anything substantially, and might make things more efficient, maybe (I don’t think it will, it will mostly make a giant mess). I don’t think this is anything the liberal side fears. Trump isn’t ending democracy, and he likes Jews too much to be Hitler. It’s actually somewhat amusing that people believe in the End of Our Democracy— by a guy who has never bothered to pay attention in briefings.

As far as the Covid response, I don’t see how Biden did all that well. At best, his success was being elected after the virus had burned through the population. By the time Biden was in position to do anything in January of 2021, the virus had been around for five years, most sane people were vaccinated, and often had a couple of boosters, and the virus had weakened enough to be a glorified flu bug.

kleinbl00  ·  43 days ago  ·  link  ·  

By "Pandemic recovery" I mean "economic recovery from the pandemic" which, yes, was far more Congress than Biden. Nonetheless, presidential elections are referendums on the past four years and the past four years were much better for Americans than pretty much any other nation.

The problem with America is the Republicans have grown comfortable with their permanent minority status and have consolidated their platform around demagoguery and the lunatic fringe. When one party is 100% wedge issues 100% of the time, you're effectively at one-party government vs the chaos agents.

usualgerman  ·  41 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Even that, from my understanding comes from the same place. Once you stop forcing the economy to slow down by lockdowns and vaccination mandates, just saying “you can go back to working and buying stuff in stores now” is going to end tge artificially created recession. Wages didn’t go up because the government did something, it was an enticement to get people back to working in restaurants and warehouses and retail stores because people who were doing those jobs found other work.

kleinbl00  ·  40 days ago  ·  link  ·  

"From my understanding" doing a lot of work there. The United States pumped more cash into the economy than any other, which led to more employment, more investment and a faster recovery. It also led to greater initial inflation, but that inflation also cooled faster than any other country.

Economic statistics are notoriously obscure and net price changes are a function of inflation over time, rather than a rate of inflation, so there's hay to be made about the truly uneven nature of the pandemic recovery. But you can't wave your hands and say "from my understanding" and pretend that global pandemic recovery had nothing to do with economic policy.

thenewgreen  ·  39 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    The problem, Steve, is you feel like you should have an opinion other than "what the fuck is this bullshit" which means you've already lost.
Well Seth, I think if you're stuck in, "what is this bullshit!" You've already lost. having an opinion on the issues is something I can't turn off. That said, I don't disagree with some of your characterizations of Trump. That he is a poor persons idea of a rich person is particularly funny. I don't know the lighting guys for the Apprentice, but I do know one of his top picks to head of the FDA in 2016. He interviewed several times with Trump. He went in to the meetings with the same characterization of Trump that you describe but left the process with a very different opinion. According to him, Trump asked insightful questions and in subsequent interviews referenced previous answers he had given in great detail. Had knowledge of the role the FDA would play in his administration etc. Jim was telling us all this story at a party (while we were in YC) to a bunch of people that were hardcore liberals. He got flummoxed looks. To that he said, "I know, I was surprised too." I think Trump is not as one dimensional as it is convenient to think he is. I also don't think he's a, "very stable genius."

    I get it? But the DNC had to deal with half the country insisting a vote for Harris was a vote for Intifada

No. Full stop. The DNC didn't have to deal with the any part of the country thinking anything about Harris. They brought that upon themselves. They knew Biden was mental mashed potatoes. They could have held a robust primary. They apparently ran polling to see who would win in an open primary. Guess who it wasn't -- Biden. Maybe Kennedy or Dean Phillips would have won or Klobuchar or Buttigieg, but it would have been by the will of the people. Instead they rugged Biden and installed Harris with zero input from any of us. Huge mistake. It wasn't Maga's fault that Harris lost. WTF? How dare they say mean things about the opposition candidate? The DNC couldn't have predicted that? Harris did almost zero long form unscripted interviews. This after her predecessor had the least amount of press conferences of any president since Reagan (a bad look since Reagan also had dementia). She said she wouldn't have changed a thing from the Biden admin... I mean, she was a really shitty Candidate. All the DNC needed was something, "new." She could have been that but chose not to be. Epic fail.

The fact that "they're eating the dogs," came up and Harris STILL lost is a testament to how bad of a campaign she ran. It's not that she couldn't have won. She chose not to. All she had to do was to distance herself from Biden. To show she was young, energetic and willing to talk the issues in depth and go on long form interviews, one after another. But no. I'm telling you, it was an epic fail. So, yeah... Fuck the DNC.

ButterflyEffect  ·  38 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Dude im sick of your shit on RFK JR. he’s

Going after SSRIs already which will impact no fewer than 5 people close to me if they cannot easily get access to them.

Let me know where the health and access to healthcare are at for your and people close to you in the next four years and ill do the same. We’ll see just what an advantaged, privileged bubble you’re in.

thenewgreen  ·  38 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What shit on RFK Jr. did I post? How is he, “going after SSRI’s?” It’s my understanding that in the past he has suggested they’re over-prescribed and harder to get off of than is suggested. I think something like 10% or more of adults are prescribed them. That’s a fucking crazy number.

I’ll watch his actions and see if he does anything to deny people access to SSRI’s, but I’d be surprised if he did. Lots of reporting about what he might do or could do. I’ll wait to see what he does do and I’ll certainly hold him to account if the things he does do run afoul to my values. Easy enough. He a public servant, not a god. Im in a good place where I can genuinely judge our public servants on their actions.

Sorry that you’re sick of, “my shit.” You can always block me. No hard feelings here.

ButterflyEffect  ·  37 days ago  ·  link  ·  

yep you’re blocked

im going to go out on a bang though

when your wife disagrees with you do you tell her “im sorry

You feel that way” like what you’ve said to me, kb, and user_inactivated over the past week or so?

kleinbl00  ·  39 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Today is the 4th anniversary of 57 Senators voting to impeach Trump. Not 67, though. Every Democrat and seven Republicans.

Tell me again how this is the DNC's fault.

usualgerman  ·  38 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I’m not sure there were any candidates that could win. Trump has enough charisma to pull off a lot, and democrats don’t understand that most of the country operates on a junior high level of understanding of most issues. They try to bring in the nuances of some issue, and all the Homer Simpson’s watching on TV get bored and confused. Trump gets them and knows “illegals are criminals and eat cats (isn’t that ALF?)” lands while “migrants cross the border illegally to make a better life for their family and our legal immigration system is bullshit unless you’re on an H1B,” doesn’t. They understand “food costs more, and Biden hasn’t fixed it,” but not “bird flu because of poor farming practices and shit luck, and the war in Ukraine is raising grain prices”.