- Since its start, Evans said, “We’ve lived through like four different new media generations over that time, and we’ve been able to ride those rocky waters just in like the smoothest way.”
The recent episode with Pedro Pascal was fantastic. Josh Brolin's one is up there too as well as Charlize Theron's.
I'd agree with their reasoning behind the steady success. They're consistent in timing and pretty consistent in quality. At the end of it, I like seeing these big names appear decidedly human, in a good way. They swear, they sweat, they get runny noses and cry. They laugh with a full mouth of food and at the end of the line-up, they'll answer pretty much any fuckin' question thrown at them.
And the questions are well researched and well thought out. So many of life’s great moments and conversations occur informally over food and drinks. I think that Hot Ones captures that in a slightly silly way, and capitalizes on it to create a much better interview format than most of what’s out there.
I'll just quickly drop by to say: fuck Leslie Stahl.
I would imagine the venn diagram in target demographics between 60 Minutes and Hot Ones is very, very small.
Leslie Stahl is yet another example of someone who should have retired years ago, who's being kept on to present an "unbiased", bland conversation that platforms many of the wrong people.
Speaking as an old man, I cannot remember a time people weren't outraged at 60 minutes. They have this reputation as a sterling news organization of impeccable repute but they'll totally fuck with an Audi to make it accelerate at random, weight a jeep to make it roll over, air Benghazi bullshit, fake Subaru brakes, you name it. Normalize Marjorie Taylor Green? How 'bout normalize Tim McVeigh?