TL;DR: Massive disparity in per capita fatalities along socioeconomic status. Several hundred deaths per 100k people in West Queens (poor) vs. only one hundred-ish, on average, for lower Manhattan (definitely not poor). Similar story for The Bronx, also notoriously poor. So the poor could be a factor of ~2 or 3 more susceptible to covid-19 deaths, is my interpretation. Probably related to both pre-existing health conditions and lack of informed personal behavior.
Hey veen, here's a question: at what scale do you think accurate reporting on this becomes perceived as too personal for the majority of people? Could vary significantly between American vs. European people. It's likely that NYC statistics are the best we manage for a while. Unrelated questions: Can I just apply to be european now, or is there a minimum quota of albums, mixtapes, and wild nights that I need to provide proof of? Went to Europe a couple times, and didn't die or even get openly ridiculed either time, so, that counts for something, right? I don't want to self-bump this post on anyone's feed. Someday maybe self-comments don't bump. Think about it.
Meh, what's so great about Europe? I like veen just fine and all, but basically everything that's wrong with the world is Europe's fault. They just get to blame America because we're like the big kid you're allowed to rip on because he's rich, handsome, self-confident, and basically impervious to being picked on.Unrelated questions: Can I just apply to be european now...? questions: Can I just apply to be european now, or is there a minimum quota of albums, mixtapes, and wild nights that I need to provide proof of? Went to Europe a couple times, and didn't die or even get openly ridiculed either time, so, that counts for something, right?
If you ever want a succesful test/trace/isolate strategy, you're gonna have to become even more personal. Legally though, it's usually starting to become a problem once you make groups that are smaller than 15 persons each. My guess however is that it won't be the ganularity of data that's the biggest hurdle here.
dingdingdingdingding LOL, @1:01 in the above video, they call it "contRact tracing". UGHGHHGHHHHH Hubski has presciently cataloged DJ Trump's disregard of scientifically-informed decisions:My guess