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comment by kleinbl00

The nice thing about that clip is you know that eventually the Nazis lose. That said, if you read John Toland's Last 100 Days you'll recognize a lot of people and a lot of situations: fundamentally, everybody knew things were dire, nobody wanted to tell Hitler. What you get are a lot of people appealing to ultimate authority in the face of ultimate reality.

The ultimate reality here, of course, is not that Trump is defeated but that

It is my firm belief that no one in the Trump administration is too incompetent to open a checking account. Everybody there can play Pictionary or Trivial Pursuit. Give 'em a blue box and stress that they must read the directions and I'll bet you end up with mac'n'cheese. And we're at the place where that level of competence understands that Trump gravely broke the law and that they're enabling the whole catastrophic affair.

It's one thing to watch democracy being broken. It's quite another to be actively complicit in breaking it. No one is the villain in their own movie; the mental gymnastics necessary to make this shit good and justified and proper and in the best interests of the United States has got to be wearing.

It's gotta be hard being in the Trump administration. It's gotta be even harder if you're paying even a little bit of attention. I mean, you bet on the wrong horse. And your success is predicated on riding it into the sunset.

am_Unition  ·  1571 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Pompeo is just on a roll, man, really carrying the team this week, running cover with his antics. WaPo didn't feel the need to file this under "opinion":

    “It is shameful that this reporter chose to violate the basic rules of journalism and decency,” Pompeo said. “This is another example of how unhinged the media has become in its quest to hurt President Trump and this administration. It is no wonder that the American people distrust many in the media when they so consistently demonstrate their agenda and their absence of integrity.”

    The most remarkable portion of Pompeo’s statement, though, came at the end.

    “It is worth noting that Bangladesh is NOT Ukraine," Pompeo said in it.

    The implication is unmistakable: Kelly couldn’t correctly identify the location of Ukraine on the map, and she instead pointed to Bangladesh.

Yeah right, dude. You way overreached. To imply that someone with a Master's in European studies (protip: "Europe" extends sufficiently far into Russia that ~90% of Russians live in "Europe") was off by most of the landmass of Earth's largest continent... that's hilarious. I would argue that Ukraine's shape is so distinctive because of Crimea. Hey, I wonder if Pompeo's map had Crimea absorbed into Russia?

We're only one month away from Pompeo addressing the press corps, completely unprovoked, with, "Look: we're gonna go to war with Iran. We want to. It'd just be nice to have something for you people to do instead of scrutinize the mistakes of this administration, the most repressed presidency of all time," just a few weeks after the Senate acquits Trump and he launches TrumpView (TV), funded by a few billion dollars he just remembered he had put in his other work bag, like, a decade ago.

I never sat through Downfall, but I'm familiar with the scene, although the translations used by my religion are slightly different:

(Devac, aren't you one or two of the 100,000 views for the above video?)

As for David Mitchell, every few months over the last few years, I'll manage to watch an episode of "Would I Lie To You?", and between him and Lee, I can't tell you how much I respect quick, dry, British wit. It made me realize that I don't hate laugh tracks if the comedy is live and organic.

Edit: Sorry, I've just had a bit of time to think, and I'm not so sure that Pompeo is aware of What Is Happening. Pretty sure you'd need more self-awareness than can be afforded someone who, just this morning, used a written statement issued by "The State Department" to slander one of NPR's most accomplished journalists! The weight of that is slowly sinking in, among the uppercuts to truth dealt by Trump's impeachment "defense team".

Sekulow & Cipollone should also be on trial, by nature of their legal counsel given Trump to stonewall Congress, leading to impeachment article #2. How is it permissible for them to serve as the defense? News articles using phrases like "...in the defense counsel's version of truth..." or especially anything even remotely like "...Trump's lawyers countered with evidence showing..." can get fucked, because every. single. thing. that the defense argued today can be disproven in three sentences or less, with one to three reference links. So you can either report it correctly, debunking every lie, and having the gumption to flat-out call them liars, or don't report it at all. Legitimizing Trump and his dyed-in-the-wool fascist enablers' bullshit, even incrementally, is unacceptable.

deep breaths. deep breaths. Nah, just kiddin', I'm good. No anger would be the greater tragedy.

kleinbl00  ·  1570 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Edit: Sorry, I've just had a bit of time to think, and I'm not so sure that Pompeo is aware of What Is Happening. Pretty sure you'd need more self-awareness than can be afforded someone who, just this morning, used a written statement issued by "The State Department" to slander one of NPR's most accomplished journalists! The weight of that is slowly sinking in, among the uppercuts to truth dealt by Trump's impeachment "defense team".

Do you see what you did there? Lemme pull it out for you:

    is aware of What Is Happening.

"What Is Happening" is Twitter register. Because of imperfect terminology it's difficult to chase down exactly where this comes from but as one pedant on that page mentions, patient zero is probably AA Milne.

    A new series of Winnie the Pooh theatrical feature-length films launched in the 2000s, with The Tigger Movie (2000), Piglet's Big Movie (2003), Pooh's Heffalump Movie (2005), and Winnie the Pooh (2011).

    Disney has also produced television series based on the franchise, including Welcome to Pooh Corner (Disney Channel, 1983–1986), The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (ABC, 1988–1991), The Book of Pooh (Playhouse Disney, 2001–2003), and My Friends Tigger & Pooh (Playhouse Disney, 2007–2010).

For the record: Winnie the Pooh was not a thing when GenX was a kid. Yeah, Disney put their shit out in theaters but that's back when Disney didn't let you see shit unless it was in theaters and if it was on Disney Channel? Fuckin' nightmare fuel.

It also wasn't a thing when the 'boomers were kids. the 'boomers grew up with Mickey Mouse Club - that's back when The Mouse was super-protective of their own IP. So it's fair to say that If You Are Talking Like This you are signaling to people with shared cultural mores - you know Kung Fu Panda, not Hong Kong Fuey.

What about Trumpland?

People bitch all the time about how Trump can't figure out how to use quotes. They are stupid. Trump uses quotes the way his base uses quotes.

Broad generalization: If you know what scare quotes are, you believe in the Oxford comma. If you don't know what scare quotes are, you believe in death panels.

Your mistake is that you think Pompeo should be talking to you. But why would he do that? He never had you. No one in the administration has ever been given the benefit of the doubt by you - I mean, you weren't willing to give Rex Tillerson the benefit of the doubt and he was ten times the Secy of state Pompeo is.

Pompeo knows that if you stomp your feet and act like Karen when her coupon got rejected, the only people your boss cares about get energized.

Which is more logical: that the Secretary of State thought the media and intelligentisia and nomenklatura would believe an NPR reporter couldn't find Bangladesh on a map... or that the Secretary of State knew the voters who will do anything to own the libs just needed a vaguely plausible insult in order to be comfortable in their dudgeon?

If you look at the Republican Party as an organization that will do anything to feed the monster it all makes sense. You are not the monster so the only reason they give a shit about you is if fucking with your life makes the monster happy.

And the monster has the courts, and the monster has an electoral advantage, and the monster is better at raising money, and the monster asks fewer questions.

am_Unition  ·  1569 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Fine points, all around.

    ... you weren't willing to give Rex Tillerson the benefit of the doubt and he was ten times the Secy of state Pompeo is.

Eh, I mean, he did intentionally gut the State Dept., but you're still right. He's one of the only people that has ever stood up to Trump, and even though he came from the top of one of the most evil corporations currently in existence, 90 minutes of swirling stars and McNamara have taught me that businesspeople can be melded into acceptable presidential cabinet members.

kleinbl00  ·  1569 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Make no mistake: I'm not a fan of Rex Tillerson. For thirty goddamn years he worked at - and ran - a corporation whose profits are inextricably tied to the destruction of a planet I'm rather fond of. He has never telegraphed anything other than the belief that government should be the vassal of profit. You know that mutherfucker would cheerfully join the board of Omni Consumer Products.

But he's like Destro from GI Joe. Yeah, he wears the steel mask as a sign of honor to reflect his 20th-removed ancestor selling weapons to both sides in the War of Three Kingdoms. Yeah, he's entirely devoted to the collapse of the world order. But like it or not, that means he's a devoted man of honor. The current crew? Just likes wearing hoods and cackling maniacally.

And the monster in the voting booth gives no fuck about honor or devotion. It's here for the lulz.

(yes this is GenX virtue signalling)