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Make no mistake: I'm not a fan of Rex Tillerson. For thirty goddamn years he worked at - and ran - a corporation whose profits are inextricably tied to the destruction of a planet I'm rather fond of. He has never telegraphed anything other than the belief that government should be the vassal of profit. You know that mutherfucker would cheerfully join the board of Omni Consumer Products.

But he's like Destro from GI Joe. Yeah, he wears the steel mask as a sign of honor to reflect his 20th-removed ancestor selling weapons to both sides in the War of Three Kingdoms. Yeah, he's entirely devoted to the collapse of the world order. But like it or not, that means he's a devoted man of honor. The current crew? Just likes wearing hoods and cackling maniacally.

And the monster in the voting booth gives no fuck about honor or devotion. It's here for the lulz.

(yes this is GenX virtue signalling)