You know what I feel when I hear that? I pay taxes. I pay almost twice the rate that he pays. Fuck that guy. I'm sure that I am not alone. This could sink his campaign. I'm sure he thought he wasn't being recorded, but damn. He's not only writing off the votes of 47%, he's calling them lazy freeloaders. I know that he's talking to a specific audience, but even there, you'd think he'd choose his words a bit more carefully.
Exactly: Fuck you. I pay a higher tax rate than you do you smarmy piece of shit. And that's a higher percentage taken out of a smaller income. Taking more from those with less, but who work every day for it. Those were my initial thoughts anyway. I'll be damned if any of the apathy I've been feeling keeps me from from the polls now. I WILL cancel out a vote for Romney.“All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it...These are people who pay no income tax...I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”
Yeah, it was my gut reaction. He basically called me a freeloader. Also, his justification is all screwy, mixing the 47% with Obama voters. In actuality, that 47% is found more in red states. But he seemed very comfortable saying it. It wasn't a cheesy grits kind of Romney.
I thought he already sank his campaign by admitting to the lies he told...
I wish I could hear the rest of the speech. Context is king, he could go on to say that the current welfare system does nothing to prop up those 47%.... or maybe not but still, it did end the speech rather conspicuously mid sentence. Either way, this video isn't good if you're a Romney supporter.
The fallacy here is that the 47% who don't pay federal income tax are the poorest 47%. This isn't true at all. Someome with a high salary and a lot of deductions may pay less than a guy making $30k who doesn't itemize. Besides most if the 47% still pay payroll tax. Its a false argument in every imaginable way.
Although there is plenty of that going around, it's not as if it were part of a thought, or a sentence from several. He made a pretty complete argument there. I don't see how he could wrap that up in a larger context where it would substantially change what he was saying. EDIT: had some more excerpts. Here, I agree with Romney: “In a setting like this, a highly intellectual subject—discussion on a whole series of important topics typically doesn’t win elections,” he added.“We have a website that lays out white papers on a whole series of issues that I care about,” he said. “I have to tell you, I don’t think this will have a significant impact on my electability. I wish it did. I think our ads will have a much bigger impact. I think the debates will have a big impact.”
Could be the nail in the coffin? Then again, the majority of his supporters will likely applaud this.
Don't need to guess: Notice anything funny about that map? Seems to me that its only NM in the red who will vote Obama. Hmmm. But, this is from 08. Since then a lot more people have lost their jobs and aren't paying taxes. I'm sure all of those are Democratic voters, though, or else why would Mitt say such a thing?
Pretty sure many people will say that we are seeing the "real Romney" here but I'm not so sure. Becoming president of the United States is way more significant then being very rich. I would not be surprised if this is just more pandering to get past the chalk.
Interesting point, but as mk points out, its one of a very few times this campaign where he's seemed emotional. Typically he has that sunshiny smile where you can't tell what he thinking, because he's saying nothing. I'm interested to hear the next part of the video. What could be so much worse? My guess is that is has something to do with minorities.
Can someone explain to me why Obama needs to really run any other campaign messages? I mean, I'm playing this for humor but seriously? How many times can one man shoot himself in the foot? Its like every other time he opens his mouth there is another gunshot. Christ, I don't like Romney or anything but its almost sad seeing a dude totally buttfuck his chances of winning. His biggest problem has always been seeming aloof; the idea that he's too rich, too disconnected, too fake. Obama doesn't have the perception; even if it was stupid, he did an AMA on reddit and that's a good way to look at voters and go "Yeah, I get you guys. No really, I do." Romney really needs to pull his shit together man, its kind of depressing. I wish there was a good, competitive election between two intellectual candidates for once.
Someone who totally forgot about the whole "Obama has taken a shit ton of flak just for being a black guy." Yep. Totally easier to win as a minority. Obama isn't even a very dark black, and people still flipped shit and jumped immediately to calling him muslim, not American, etc. This is all fuckin' ridiculous. This year we should vote mk.
You don't think he would have a better shot at the Latino vote if he were Latino himself? He would. I believe that. Who says that? Someone trying to get the angry white vote.
Yes, I think he would have a better chance at getting the Latino vote if he were Latino. I think he would have a much harder time getting the rest of Republicans to vote for him. He has the angry white vote pretty solidly in his corner. Unfortunately for him (but fortunately for the rest of us), they are no longer 51% of the electorate.