It's not a contest for most quintessential Hubski post! On a serious note, the reason I prefer war games and strangelove (in principle) is that they're not about a war or invasion per se. There about what happens when we try to remove the human element from the most human activity (politics), and instead let the dispassionate machine decide who dies and when. They do this of course without regard for the fact that it's humans who are driven by fear, prejudice, paranoia, and hatred who are programming the machines. They're stories about how the internal politics of fear will destroy us. To me that's an important story that transcends the cold war. Plus Matthew Broderick.
It's not a contest for most quintessential Hubski post!
No, because if it were it would be this post: ...... (just spent 10 minutes searching for the post where you say you'll never get married) Dammit! Couldn't find it.
They're all prisms through which the Cold War can be viewed. My love for War Games also knows no bounds: I could probably make the argument that Red Scorpion is as worthy of the title as Red Dawn. After all, it's Dolph Lundgren pretending to be Russian again, in Apartheid South Africa pretending to be Afghanistan, produced and with screenplay by Jack-i-shit-you-not-Abramoff. However, considering this statement: Why not Failsafe?On a serious note, the reason I prefer war games and strangelove (in principle) is that they're not about a war or invasion per se. There about what happens when we try to remove the human element from the most human activity (politics), and instead let the dispassionate machine decide who dies and when.
Oh. Dude. It's Strangelove without the madcap humor. Henry Fonda and Walter Matthau. Strangelove is about the insanity of MAD. Wargames is about our excess trust in technology (which is saved by our childlike insistance that computers are people) Failsafe is about a process we no longer control.