The Community Bulletin Board does show just how cult-ish Hubski looks from the outside, with the slogans like this and no other info whatsoever.
Oh, okay.
What's our holy book? What's our hat?
The holy book is generally agreed to be the Kama Sutra, although a Lego or IKEA assembly manual will do in a pinch, with some interpretation left to the user.
The hat geometry is of no consequence, and constantly changes, so long as the requisite hat can be easily constructed from the cardboard that encases a 12-pack of beer. Cans and/or bottles. The average Hubski user typically has easy access to both, in the event of an emergency.
Tin foil is considered “loud”, but decorative, in either case.
Thank you for asking.
...we're one of those odd cults, aren't we?
Almost forgot about Hubskina.
I hope you’re alright out there, 8-bit.
Tell me in your own words. The stories are no longer accessible on the 8bit's page.
Wow. Where to start.
A guy we all miss who went by eightbitsamurai basically created 100,000 words of fanfic about the battle between the legendary mist-covered isles of Hubski and Reddit. Many of us were featured. He even wrote a PC game.
It was an impressive effort.
We miss 8bit. He was a valuable member of the community. He's going through some stuff right now and he doesn't want our participation, which is understandable but regrettable. Here's a taste.
Sounds interesting. I'd give it a look.
Your praise of him makes me wish him the best, as well.