Title on the Site : Big Food Is Starting to Worry About a Millennial Generation That's Not So Into Animal Products
Title on the Link : Food Marketing Exec Says Millennials are Lost, Need Inspiration To Eat More Tortured Animals
I like the second one more
I always forget that I have that browser plug in that turns millennial into "Pesky Whipper-Snapper" until an article like this shows up.
That URL/link difference usually happens when the article gets published under one title and then later gets updated. The link doesn't usually change to match the new title. So it looks like someone used the second title originally and then got a slap on the wrist from a higher-up and had to change it.
I just looked up the price of the prebutchered side of beef I bought (which includes a lot of steak and roasts and all that) versus the current price of ground beef and the side of beef was almost half the price per pound. Doesn't work if you're in an apartment and it might vary by location, but if you can buy in bulk from a farmer, you can stand to save some money.