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comment by rezzeJ
rezzeJ  ·  2459 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 16, 2017

Things are ramping up for me over next month.


Like steve, I too am moving house. I currently live with my parents and I still will be, just in different place. It makes sense for me as I work closely with my Dad, plus we're pretty tight as a family so it's not really something I see as a negative. There's also the added benefit that I get to save money.

That new place happens to be in the city where I did my post-grad stuff. I love it there so I can't wait. The house is also a rad new build with all sorts of sustainability and energy saving features. I'll also be closer to a few of my friends as well as being only a 20 minute train journey to the peak district, which is awesome.


We went on a family holiday to Canada in 2014 visiting Vancouver and various places in The Rockies. On the 9th of September we're going back again, except this time we're touring the east coast. Starting off in the major cities and heading up to Nova Scotia, the locations we're going to are: Toronto, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Digby, Halifax, Truro, Cheticamp, Ingonish, Sydney, and back to Toronto. It should be quite an adventure.

If any of you Hubski folk have any recommendation for things to do or places to visit, let me know!


I've made some small but significant steps towards achieving my music goals over the last couple of months. If I keep working hard and pleasing the right people, there's every chance that I might achieve the things that have previously only been flights of fancy. I look forward to being able to tell Hubski more about this once I actually get there.

The reason I'm being a bit ambiguous here is that I've fallen into the trap before of telling people great news about my music, only to have it not end up happening. So this time I'll keep my mouth shut and keep working until it's actually happens!

oyster  ·  2459 days ago  ·  link  ·  

When you say Quebec I imagine you mean Quebec City ya ? Because you should definitely go there.

rezzeJ  ·  2459 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I did mean Quebec City! Please forgive my geographic naivety.