Inspired by how well-received my infographic was on that other site (thx insomniasexx) and because I wanted to get better at web development / JS / AWS / d3, I made a site where you can check how the Ethereum pool is doing and learn how it works. I have a simple script to store the data from the API in a text file. The website checks only that text file. It's also only 225kb, all images are SVGs and it's fully responsive. And I'm quite fond of the domain I got.
What do you guys think? How's my explanation? Turns out the Ethereum yellow paper is actually not entirely unreadable when you put your mind to it.
(Todo: fix the site only working through that one port - I'm using nothing more than Python's SimpleHTTPServer module to deploy it. I'm also pretty sure I don't understand AWS security groups, so there's that.)
Slick! I think I'll be using this to help explain to folk. I agree with kleinbl00 that the EVM aspect is worth explaining a bit. I commonly run into people that ask me whether I think Bitcoin or Ethereum will succeed as if they solve the same problems. That is a nice domain name. Do you have additional plans for it?
Thanks! I was considering the scope of this: either stick to just how transactions work and just hint at the EVM, or put more effort in explaining everything because that's what's desperately needed. I'm gonna do the latter, it's totally the defining feature. I could not find this piece of information out though: when a calculation is done, do all nodes replicate the entire calculation, or do they just check the hash and nothing more? Not much besides this... do you have additional ideas for it?That is a nice domain name. Do you have additional plans for it?
Your site has timed out for me both today and yesterday... is it dead? Did we kill it? Did you take it offline? I really would like to see it!
1) ditch the :8000 2) Fix the letter spacing issue 3) talk a little more about nonce because you say things will error out if you don't do it right but you don't really say what that is or why 4) That book you recommended (which I'm liking rather a lot) describes the Ethereum network as the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) and I really want that to catch on because thinking of it as a big distributed mainframe makes shit hella clearer 5) post that shit to the Ethereum Facebook group because those guys are my favorite idiots at the moment Nice work. I think it's great. I think you should polish this one up and then then do an annotated version that actually spits out the various calls in Solidity because it's not a particularly complicated language and the more people understand what's actually going on, the better the adoption. Also, the best way to learn something is to teach it.
ALRIGHT so I've been rewriting this thing from the ground up - your idea to make the EVM pivotal to explaining Ethereum is working out quite nicely. (I'm also rebuilding my website as a portfolio website :) ) I'll continue writing tomorrow and illustrations are done later, but if you or mk or anyone reading this already has some feedback, that would be appreciated.
My feedback is it's a little proofreading from perfect. Little stuff: using words like "still" and "very" doesn't really help, it just deformalizes and denigrates the language and you can almost always do without. A couple typos. And I might TL;DR this: In little words, "Ethereum is a set of rules for people or devices to exchange not just money, but data and ideas... without the need for any central authority to govern them" or something like that.Ethereum is a generalised protocol for decentralized, secure transaction-based state-changing virtual machines.
Yo. Pretty - and pretty clear. That being said: "In Case of FOMO". Last sentence. Has no meaning, even in context. Besides, "very full" is redundant: you're assigning comparative quality ("very") to an absolute value ("full"). Try "densely filled". On inline style vs using a stylesheet. EDIT: also, are we shying off naming Reddit now? Is this our nemesis now?So if the pool is very full and your transaction didn't go through after a few hours.
Here's the thing: a glass is either full or not full. An egg carton is full or not full. A freeway, on the other hand, can be "nearly full", "full," "overfull" or "packed to a standstill" and it never reaches the same "full" state as a glass or an egg carton. Ethereum transactions more accurately mimic the freeway than the egg carton. It's not like the buffer overruns and the transaction fails out forever; it sits there until it goes. EDIT: no wait. That's the beer talking. It does fail out. But there's still a "congestion" period where it doesn't fail out and that should be explained, in my opinion. Maaan. Should not drink a 22oz kirin on an empty stomach.
Thanks! I forgot to proofread that last part. When I wrote it I though 'oh! explaining nonce might be a useful thing' so I abandoned the sentence. My not very organized. When I started, I did not have many repeating styles, so creating a class for every part of the page seemed unnecessary. I'll see if I can clean that up. :) It's not a nemesis, more that it doesn't really matter. I could've also written 'another site' instead.
The only reason to use a euphemism is that it does. I think you'll agree that, without a proper reason, saying "I live in a city in the Netherlands" sounds odd. "Yeah, duh! But now that you've mentioned the city, I'm curious what that city is". See what I mean?more that it doesn't really matter