I've noticed persons "promote" option without them saying they are new before. If it were a different color it might help.
I agree with everything written in the '#spam' post, though I'd like to revisit the last line here since it's more to the point of this discussion. The intent of this discussion (at least, how I'd like to view it) boils down to the retention rate of new users post-promotion implementation. Outstanding community members of late, to me have arisen from their own posts, sometimes taking 5 posts or more until interest (shares) come. That is, once they've gotten comfortable with the community. I would be surprised if that was after they've completed a full spoke.I think promotion should he used to include people who have shown they are outstanding community members. Regular old community members can get in the door with a minimal amount of conversational engagement.
I'm a bit confused with this idea. Would it not make more sense to merely disable the promotion option for those accounts that were created before the date of implementation? That way if the account has option to promote, they are strictly (relatively) new.
Asphalt and chewing gum is a small price to pay for the brighter alternatives.
That alongside the font used for d20 is how I imagined it. Not sure if you use dark by default, yet the fonts, spacings and palettes as you know differ. On the side of kb, pretty sure he thinks dark mode is dirty enough, if ya smell what I'm farting.