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comment by jadedog

I can see why there's an issue. I read the whole page of rules. That's a lot of rules.

It would be hard to avoid every situation where one child and one adult might be in the same space together in say, a camping trip, even if for just a short time. For instance, an adult might have to go find a child if they're late for something. Taking two adults to go find that one child would probably leave others unattended.

On the other hand, I can see the need for the rules.

It's a difficult situation. Are there any ideas floating around about how to solve this situation?

As the article mentions, it affects more than just the Boy Scouts.

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    As the article mentions, it affects more than just the Boy Scouts.

Here is the thing that nobody really talk about; The culture these things create.

If there is ever a question, the kid's words are taken at face value with no doubt. Then self preservation kicks in and you as the adult are screwed; they will sacrifice you to save face and there is nothing you can do about it and zero legal recourse. One mom who was off her mood drugs making an accusation and your career is over. (An online friend of mine had this happen to him, he was 100% innocent of all the accusations and even home with his wife when one the 'incidents' took place. He fucked-the-hell-out of teaching to build houses)

Men are warning other men to not go into teaching and it is hurting our kids and our society. Then you get articles like this one trying to get more men into teaching and child care

And then you get shit like this

    He told the newspaper: "I would certainly advocate that no man qualify as a teacher. It is just not worth it. What is the lesson here? There is nothing to protect the male teacher."

The kids who need these services? The kids who desperately need a Big Brother/Big Sister style service? Nobody gives a fuck. They (the kids) don't vote, they don't write checks and maybe once a year or so there will be a one hour conversation in the media when some of these kids are murdered. You then get the same people with stern looks and somber tones who start asking why these kids are dead only to get distracted by celebrity bullshit before the end of the news cycle. The consequences will barely be facebook "Share for a prayer" nonsense until we all change our filters to the flag of the next country that has a terror attack. The Big Brother program out here is seriously hurting because of the fears of litigation bumped their insurance and legal liability rates through the roof and they are struggling to get volunteers that want to go through the insane background check. I used to volunteer to play video games with the kids in the cancer ward. I don't now. They got a new volunteer coordinator and after a few conversations with her I no longer felt my personal safety and integrity were being protected. So fuck the kids with cancer, right?

Great. Now I sound like a fedora wearing neckbeard. And I used the time needed to prep for teaching two astronomy classes tonight for internet posting.

kleinbl00  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    One mom who was off her mood drugs making an accusation and your career is over.

Can confirm. Good friend had to give up a career in christian camps because a 13-year-old boy decided it'd be fun to skunk his life. THE KID EVEN RECANTED and he still lost his job and couldn't get rehired anywhere, even out of state. He's a thousand miles away working the physical plant now.

Other friend is the daughter of the middle school science teachers. Couple of my sister's classmates decided they didn't like the mom so they made allegations against the dad because they knew it would stick and maybe they could get 'em both to leave. 18-month investigation, total recantation, early retirement.

I have had women come up to question me

at parks

standing next to a stroller

while I watch my daughter play

because if you're male and anywhere near small children, you're a pedophile.

Stop being an alpha male! Participate in your kids' lives! Take them to the park! Get the stinkeye from every paranoid mother there because what's wrong with you, participating in your kid's life YOU FUCKING PERVERT.

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You obviously need to go to lift more and learn to hold frame, brah.

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Basically, if I decide to have a family, I don't go living in the US, 'cause no chance in hell I can spend time with my kid outside?

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Not so much. Depends on where you go and what you do. Just like any other large group of people. the fear of litigation is more of a driving force than anything else really.

Devac  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Great. Now I sound like a fedora wearing neckbeard.

Nowhere in the post did you mention:

- being friend-zoned,

- an unfair stigma of living in your parents' basement,

- Catholics and religion being the source of all that is evil,

- Games Workshop's shitty pricing.

You're at worst at the Fedora Ergosphere.

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    - an unfair stigma of living in your parents' basement,

I live in my OWN basement, motherfucker :) (saves me a ton of money on heating and cooling and helps keep the top of the house clean and presentable)

Devac  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

No need to explain, really. I lived in the attic at my parents home because what was originally meant to be my actual room is the hottest place in the house during summer and a fucking walk-in freezer during the winter. The basement became my mother's study because that's the only room in the house where she can store all of her medical stuff in a way that's readily available.

kleinbl00  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

am_Unition  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Keep watching your local news, everyone, where a large percentage of the featured men are mugshots of those that have committed sexual crimes.

paywalls on the adelaidenow.com.au links, FYI

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Huh. I wonder if they are noticing incoming links and popping up the paywall. Was not there from Google.

am_Unition  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Whenever a paywalled article sees you incoming from a google URL, they'll let you through. I guess they presume the link was served up in a google ad. Its happened to me here multiple times in the last year.

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    It's a difficult situation. Are there any ideas floating around about how to solve this situation?

A kid living in the west right now is living in a place of health and safety that has NEVER existed before in human history. We have lost the collective societal memory of everyone burying their young children, and done so in roughly two generations. Go find a 100+ year old graveyard and look at the family plots. Infant, Infant, toddler, toddler, 10 year old killed on the farm, 16 year old killed in war, and a few women dead in childbirth to finish off the picture. Hell go find a graveyard from the 40's and 50's and look at the kid's graves; you will easily be able to pick out the smallpox and measles outbreaks by the dates and clustering of ages.

Despite the shitshow that is the media, crime is at historic lows. As in it may have never been this low before. The odds of you being a victim of a violent crime are nil unless you are a part of the illegal drug trade.

Short of throttling the free press and changing education from the ground up while at the same time forcing families to stay together no matter what? The reason things are this bad are purely moral panics. And the only way I see to end those is to end the First Amendment. I find that unacceptable so there has to be another way.

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What's moral panic? I tried to get into the explanations, to no avail.

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Moral Panic. The short of it is that the media creates a panic over something, usually something so insane that you have to wonder what the big deal is, and turns that issue/event into the worst thing to ever happen in the history of ever.

For example, the Satanic Panic of the 1980's where people playing Dungeons and Dragons were summoning REAL DEMONS. Satanists were eating babies and sacrificing humans to Luicfer and they were coming for you and your family next. This went on in Southern California for years, yes, Satanists were used to make people afraid for YEARS.

Pedophilia is also a moral panic. Yes, there are pedophiles and yes they exist and yes they abuse children. But this behavior is extremely rare. The most likely source of child abuse is family members, not strangers, teachers, priests etc. But the extremely rare thing get the media's attention and they hype those rare events because they can wrap advertising around the stories and generate viewers.

Video games are a moral panic. they make kids into murders only they don't. People who play video games are no more or less violent than the rest of the public. But since the parents don't play games, the media can sell them a story that their kids are turning into junkies. Oh yea that happened

Trans people using the 'wrong' bathroom to abuse your kids is a moral panic.

Stranger danger is a moral panic. (Most abducted children are taken by family members as a part of custody battles)

"Moral Panic" is a hard term to give a real definition to. But If I had to try? A Moral Panic is a media event where fear and concern are hyped up into a 'panic' where laws are demanded to fix a situation. The situation itself probably is not real, is a hoax or represents a very minor percent of the population. the whipping up of public fear and in extreme cases terror, is usually linked to a demand from elected leaders to change laws.

I've included a few articles that might help you understand the term better. Hope it helps.



kleinbl00  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  
jadedog  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Pedophilia is also a moral panic. Yes, there are pedophiles and yes they exist and yes they abuse children. But this behavior is extremely rare. The most likely source of child abuse is family members, not strangers, teachers, priests etc.

Do you have a cite for this?

I did a quick search and found this information from the Dept. of Justice website . Based on that information, your assertion is incorrect. These are slightly old statistics from 2010-2012.

    Approximately 1.8 million adolescents in the United States have been the victims of sexual assault.

    An estimated 60% of perpetrators of sexual abuse are known to the child but are not family members, e.g., family friends, babysitters, child care providers, neighbors.

    About 30% of perpetrators of child sexual abuse are family members.

    Only about 10% of perpetrators of child sexual abuse are strangers to the child.

According to this site, of the 1.8 million adolescents who are the victims of child sexual abuse, the vast majority (60%) of child sexual abuse comes from people who are not family members but are in positions of authority in the child's life, like teachers, scout leaders, care providers, etc.

The numbers are not negligible.

Putting aside the hype in the media, the problem is substantial enough to warrant attention. Do you disagree?

user-inactivated  ·  2860 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    According to this site, of the 1.8 million adolescents who are the victims of child sexual abuse, the vast majority (60%) of child sexual abuse comes from people who are not family members but are in positions of authority in the child's life, like teachers, scout leaders, care providers, etc.

Looking online through my older search history you are more correct than I am. Most child harm is done by "persons know to the child and or family" and not the family proper. Still, the whole concept of "Stranger Danger" is overblown and turns the focus off of teaching a sense of self and the ability to fight grooming by trusted individuals.

Thanks for the correction.

Devac  ·  2861 days ago  ·  link  ·  
This comment has been deleted.
jadedog  ·  2861 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Go to page 9, to the "Table 9. Victim and offender relationship, 2004" in Criminal Victimization, 2004 report which I can only presume was used as the source. You will see that while the quoted statistic does apply to females (age 12 or older) when considering the problem of rape or sexual assault… it's actually committed 100% by strangers to the victim when it comes to males from the same age group.

You linked to endnote 8 instead of 9. That report is for sexual assault in general, not to juveniles.

Endnote 9 goes to this pdf. bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/saycrle.pdf

The table is on page 13 of 17 in Table 6. The numbers in that table are 34.2% for family members, 58.7% for acquaintances and 7% for strangers in the juvenile categories.

There's a slight bit of difference from the round numbers on the website, but they're in the ballpark. There's still an overwhelming percentage of acquaintances.

The breakdown for gender is on Table 7. The males are closer to the general statistic. The females are more likely to be abused by strangers.

The data from that report is pretty old, from the early nineties.

user-inactivated  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thank you for defining it.

Seems like the act-of-terror craze in Russia is a moral panic. The government insists on people being utterly careful and prepared in case the terrorists strike. Given that every such act gets reported and propagated by word of mouth and I hear nothing but of the latest one in Saint-Petersburg, sounds like the threat is wildly exaggerated.