- David Brooks, Thomas Friedman, and Maureen Dowd, the wheezing Trio of the Doomed, three animated corpses that long ago calcified into caricatures of themselves. These three ostensibly represent the entire respectable political spectrum but in fact represent little more than the fact that the New York Times op-ed page has more job security than the Supreme Court.
Gawker media is complaining about quality and journalistic integrity? Pot, meet kettle.
friedman crops up more often than just about any other author in the clearance section at the resale bookstore. this is my primary metric for quality. also i read one of his books and it sucked, he was like the malcolm gladwell of international economics/geopolitics. other contenders for most frequently resold author: bill clinton, shakespeare.
Y'know, Deadspin put out another roast like this a while back: The #lolbrooks library is not to be trifled with. Maybe this nationwide foaming-at-the-mouth is shaking things up for the better. Keep telling your industry competitors that they suck, everyone (slash S). If you're Gawker/Deadspin, prepare to get destroyed (yet again). I guess that's progress, if both parties somehow aspire to suck less, after the ordeal's over. We should treasure well-founded criticisms of ourselves and our ideologies. From anyone, really, including the self. Hopefully, there's a tactful way to go about it "constructively". Sometimes loosing raw emotion clears the air, though.