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comment by Rejuvenation
Rejuvenation  ·  2994 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 11, 2016

So this time around I am perturbed by reading news of sexual assault, molestation, rapes and even murder in some cases! I ponder when this dehumanizing crime will stop? Such reduction in value of one's life and personality with no fault of hers, has to be stopped or lets say reduced?

What it needs to be done to fight misogyny, objectification of women?

Well few questions I want to ask:

1. The root causes of such acts=> Lack of political will or lack in enforcement of law or something else?

2. Do these cases relate to people from lower economic groups and education ,or there is no class differentiation?

3. What is condition in west in this regard? ( Yes I am an Orient, living in a world where patriarchy prevails)

4. What needs to be done to stop the wrongdoing?

I was just thinking for women and their right to life, freedom and to live with dignity..

Inviting ideas of hubskians..


goobster  ·  2993 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Here's the deal: young men with poor employment prospects have little to no power over their lives.

So they take power over someone else to feel like they are in control of something.

This has nothing at all to do with the victim. Most serial offenders don't have a "type"... they just want to take control over something, so they grab whoever is handy. (Which also plays into the "a sexual molester is more likely to be someone who knows the victim well", because the people spend more time together/near one another, it is more likely the victim will be around when the assailant's aggression comes out.)

For centuries there have been ways for young men to asset themselves and gain control over some part of their life. From gladiatorial combat, to after school basketball programs, to garage bands, young men have usually been able to find some sort of outlet for their competitive / alpha / dominant / assertive tendencies.

However, with deep cuts to public programs, whiny suburban NIMBYs, and ever more prohibitions against everything from skateboarding to all ages music venues, young men don't have the variety of outlets they once had. So that energy and base animal dominant instinct expresses itself in other ways.

In contrast to all of this, though, it is important to remember that the crime rate is basically the lowest it has ever been, and you are less likely to encounter crime today than at any other time in history.

The change is that we have greater visibility into crime outside of our immediate social circle now, due to changes in media appetite and access to information via the internet. We are now aware of the most minor crimes in the most remote places, when previously we would never have known about it.

So here's my suggestion: Every time you hear/hear/see anything about crime of any sort, think about WHERE it happened. Have you ever been there in your life? What were you doing when that crime happened, and where were you? Then ask yourself, does the knowledge that this crime was committed, benefit or enrich your life in any way?

You gotta DIY your own filters nowadays. Because all the Editors and Publishers are gone, and they used to be the dam that held back the meaningless shit you can do nothing about, and only let through the stuff that is pertinent and relative to your life. Build filters. Otherwise you will go crazy.

Rejuvenation  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I do agree that i have to absorb only relevant news, but we,as part of society have a shared Humanity, no? .

And thanks for the concern that I will go crazy, but this is current problem in my country and highlighted by media over recent protests due to a violent crime( victim unrelated to perpetrators..was done by rural to urban migrants), and i believe this is the tip of iceberg and most cases go unreported and case must be worse off in rural areas and suburbs.. Even if itdoesn't impact me... I have every right to feel for people, like the way I do in case of war torn countries..

And one of the biggest mistake that, we often feel that crime happen to others, .. but the truth is we all are prone to certain degree of crime every time..

See, gender subjugation though not in form of violent crimes is present everywhere.. though with varying extent..

And of course,at present I may not be powerful ( For powerful ones economic development seems to be a priority over law and order!, and kind of misogyny which prevails often leads to victim blaming..)enough to make changes..and feeling and raising concern is all I can do!

You are right that such cases are more of type of assertion of authority and control..by someone already known to victims..but some repeat offenders are worse than animals..!

OftenBen  ·  2994 days ago  ·  link  ·  

If I lived in Africa and wanted to walk the bush at night, I'd carry a gun.

As far as I'm aware, most sexual assault (In the west) is perpetrated by someone the victim already knows, and knows well. I don't know how that can be prevented.

Rejuvenation  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Preventing sexual assault when victim is known or related to perpetrator, in my opinion can be done by:

1. Reporting such cases, most of the cases go unreported and thus further such assaults by making perpetrators fearless, encouraging women to report such cases, as it is a serious offence.

2. Roping in men, in condemning such assaults=>He for She Campaign

3. Educating people morally over someone's right over their bodies

4. Reducing the growing trend of objectification and commodification

OftenBen  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Roping in men, in condemning such assaults=>He for She Campaign

I think it's fairly obvious at this stage of things that nobody is pro-rape, and we're all pretty against the idea of forcing yourself upon someone. In fact, hostility is created by assuming men DON'T condemn these acts. It's like telling women 'Hey, stop throwing newborns in dumpsters.'

oyster  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Nobody is saying people are pro-rape but there is absolutely an attitude of indifference or sweeping under the rug. Combine that with how many woman rightfully feel that reporting is useless while also likely to just cause more harm for themselves and it's not hard to see why this stuff keeps happening.

Everybody is passionately against something until it's more than just talk, best example being abortion.

OftenBen  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There is nothing that I personally can do to prevent sexual assaults from occurring. The group of people who is receptive to the message 'Don't rape' is completely composed of people who never have and never will perpetrate it. The group of people who DO commit such acts isn't listening to talk.

oyster  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Did you bother googling the campaign the person was talking about ?

OftenBen  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm well educated on HeForShe. I don't think it's going to do a lick of good at reducing the frequency of sexual assault in global north countries. Again, the people who do commit sexual assault aren't listening.

oyster  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The campaign isn't about that, it's about not being a bystander when you see things. Unless they've changed everything from what I can tell you literally could not be less educated on it.

The posters you are talking about are part of different campaigns.

OftenBen  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Rejuvenation: HeForShe is part of the efforts to reduce the incidence of sexual assault

OB: HeForShe will not make any changes in the incidence of sexual assault in global north countries because the people who will listen to the message already aren't raping people. The people who listen to the message are not in positions where they can effect a change in the incidence of sexual assault.

Rejuvenation directly inferred that HeForShe will lead to a reduction in the incidence of sexual assault. I don't believe it will, for the reasons stated above.

Also, the bystander effect is something that everyone, man and woman alike needs to deal with. It's not an explicitly male problem.

oyster  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You didn't say "the messages" you said "don't rape" as if you thought the posters saying things like don't rape or don't be that guy had anything to do with heforshe. The campaign addresses the bystander effect in everybody not just men. The name is simply a call that men can join in on this as well.

You are not the victim, stop trying to be the victim all the time FFS.

OftenBen  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm not trying to be a victim. I'm trying to highlight the fact that efforts to recruit men for 'anti-rape' campaigns often end up alienating guys who could be of some help.

'Teach men not to rape' comes across the same way as 'Teach women not to throw newborns in dumpsters.'

oyster  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Holy shit, and heforshe has nothing to do with that.

You're trying to a be a victim because you're taking a conversation that has nothing to do with a campaign you dislike and inserting it in there so you can be a victim.

OftenBen  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    heforshe has nothing to do with that.

Except that's not true though

HeForShe is in part explicitly committed to the reduction of the incidence of sexual assault.

oyster  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Quit playing dumb, you know perfectly well I mean heforshe has nothing to do with your slogans "teach men not to rape" those are posters you saw online and felt victimized by so they're clouding how you see other campaigns which have nothing to do with it. Kind of like how when people are actual victims they have a skewed view of anything related to the thing they are a victim of which causes them to be triggered.

Rejuvenation  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Guys ,Though OftenBen is right that Yes, Majority of people do condemn it and perpetrators will never be receptive to it..but as oyester is saying that not transforming it in a movement has some kind of passive bystander effect..

.We need a sustained campaign to pressurise at least the political class in believing that the matter is serious( which in my opinion does not act in absence of such movements),and make and implement pro women policies..=> So, giving voice to the belief, is necessary to show how much "NUMBER" of people are furious due to such acts.

Secondly..it will embolden women to not tolerate such incidents and come out with complaints..this can prevent further victimisation of other girls..So,here OftenBen is also right..sometimes what we lack is also 'SheforShe '. Campaign..as until it doesn't impact one, people have tendency to keep such issues under carpet..

The name of the campaign is misguiding to some extent..because we need support of all people, men+ women ,who stand against it..

But keeping in mind the fact that rape though is a gender neutral crime, victimises women mostly and till recently the women rights campaign was largely driven by women( I think so)=>That's why the need of name=> 'HeForShe'.

Thirdly, though it will not shut up completely some misogynists who are often caught in victim blaming..but will dilute their voices to some extent?

At the end it is not about teaching men about something,rather it is show of their support to a cause.

That's all what I believe.

user-inactivated  ·  2994 days ago  ·  link  ·  

"easiest" way to decrease the incidence of sexual assault is to keep rapists locked up. it's a crime segment rife with repeat offenders, and nearly everyone who does it has a record to begin with, i recall

Rejuvenation  ·  2992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You are absolutely right about repeat and habitual offenders.. Letting them go makes victim more vulnerable on the first hand and makes society a less safe place on the other..

There must be strict monitoring of such people after they have served their terms.

Other measures I can think of are:

1. More police patrolling in sensitive areas

2. Making registering of police report victim friendly and encouraging women not to cover the cases rather to come out and file complaint

3. More women in police

4. Registered and verified drivers in public transport, women specific vehicles

5.Martial arts training to women

6.More role of men in condemning violence against women..e.g. He for She campaign

7. Making sexual assaults cases gender neutral..cases pertaining to male victims must also be heard.

8. Sustained campaign through media..education to respect one's freedom particularly women.