"easiest" way to decrease the incidence of sexual assault is to keep rapists locked up. it's a crime segment rife with repeat offenders, and nearly everyone who does it has a record to begin with, i recall
You are absolutely right about repeat and habitual offenders.. Letting them go makes victim more vulnerable on the first hand and makes society a less safe place on the other..
There must be strict monitoring of such people after they have served their terms.
Other measures I can think of are:
1. More police patrolling in sensitive areas
2. Making registering of police report victim friendly and encouraging women not to cover the cases rather to come out and file complaint
3. More women in police
4. Registered and verified drivers in public transport, women specific vehicles
5.Martial arts training to women
6.More role of men in condemning violence against women..e.g. He for She campaign
7. Making sexual assaults cases gender neutral..cases pertaining to male victims must also be heard.
8. Sustained campaign through media..education to respect one's freedom particularly women.