I mean, yeah. They got their fancy new guys up. But the little all-digital one, which my wife has rawked for six years now, is usually $600.
Aww, man, I killed the second module in my Zulu this year by swimming a little too deep in salt water with - likely - a badly seated backplate. Teach me to repair the thing myself. I'm starting to get ashamed of sending it back to Bjorn for TLC. Equilibrium looks amazing though and the addition of a compass is interesting. Using the hour hand to calculate a heading was okay. Tricky on a cloudy day.
I'm thinking of going watch shopping tomorrow, to buy myself a birthday present. I like the idea of the Luna and I'm looking in the same price category but don't like its execution - the 12/24 font alone is a deal-breaker for me. I have my own ideas about what I like in watches but what do you think I should be looking for in a watch?