When we were kids I put a booger in my brothers mouth while he was asleep. If you haven't tried it there's a banana bread beer that's awesome despite that sounding like a questionable combination. Also I'm judging you for drinking Corona.
RIP Elysian. All the buyouts of craft breweries makes me sad but it's also to be expected in such a competitive market.
Did you see BrewDog's blog post about the buyouts of this year? They mentioned Elysian specifically as a massively sad one. https://www.brewdog.com/lowdown/blog/nailing-our-colours-to-the-motherfucking-mast
Oh yeah Boundary Road! I used to live literally down the road from where they were first brewed. Even if you didn't like the taste, the names were great. That porter you speak of was Chocolate Moose. The Flying Fortress is the NZ Pale Ale. My fave is the Chosen One, the lager. And then there's Jack the Sipper. Lawn Ranger. Mumbo Jumbo. Stolen base and the Bouncing Czech!