I have recommended this film in the past and I don't think it's been selected, Cinema Paradiso:
I fully support this choice with one BIG caveat. We need to specify which edit we're going to watch. Without too many spoilers... I saw this in the mid 90s and loved it so hard I went back and watched it 3 or 4 times in the next few days (it was showing on campus). I loved the film. I bought it on DVD. and then I heard that it was being re-cut, and re-released with more footage and I was SO EXCITED. I spent weeks just waiting and waiting to see it. Finally it released on the small screen of our local art house theatre. My wife and I made a big deal of it. Went out to eat before and dessert after - it was a great night... but I gotta say... the new footage CHANGED THE FILM. I won't say here for the better or worse - but it was different. So whichever way we go - I think we should agree on WHICH release we watch.
I have only seen the original, and I would suggest that so when we watch.
It hasn't! That'd be great because I've been sitting on that one for a few years now and I think it's on Netflix