Thank you. This was much more succinct than my angry rambling after seeing some of the comments on this video! I have no idea why people think it's ever okay to comment on others' choices, short of when they are damaging to themselves/someone else.
Ohhhh, shit - you were reading Youtube comments? Yeah. You never want to do that. Even the SEO guys will tell you that Step #1 with Youtube is disabling comments. They gain you exactly nothing.
YouTube comments can make anyone angry about anything: Comics Explained: Top 5 Alternate Marvel Realities Saiyanman1998: Fuck Anita Sarkeesian! Flaming shit nigger cunt! /b/ If I accidentally read some YouTube comments I usually try to find something else to do for a while, watch a movie or show that took effort, something along those lines.
Much like standing in line at a grocery store and your eyes being caught by magazines like Cosmopolitan or People. I can physically feel my brain cells dying the longer I stare, and try my hardest to look at anything but the colorful, designed to catch your eye magazines. I worry the day will come when I can't stop staring, and I'll turn into an inert, brain dead mass right there under the fluorescent lighting.
I deleted an IQ lowering joke and replaced it with the current last sentence. YouTube comments probably aren't even the worst on the internet. Ugh...