Well. I forgot to post the pubski post even though it was attached to my alarm, calendar and trello. I'm brilliant sometimes. Thank goodness for thenewgreen who saves the day...again. I'm so sick and tired of failing at shit like this. I feel like I can't keep up with anything right now and I forget to take care of the things that actually matter to me. It may sound silly, but Hubski really fucking matters to me. This piece-of-shit abortion of a site that has been doomed from the get go DOES NOT. Today, for example, I was dealing with two employees playing the "he broke my CSS" blame game. After dealing with the situation via a strongly worded "I don't care who's fault it is I only care about solutions", I went in to take a look at what was happening. What I found...wow. Neither have any right to play the blame game seeing as the CSS and HTML was already spaghetti-coded together and a brilliant mess of shit. Any single line of code that either of them added would certainly break their own code, let alone each others. So, instead of assigning tasks, I deleted the mess and spent two hours and rewrote the entire thing to actually work without weird JS hacks and the other bullshit that had be implemented in order to fix one "bug" or another. The site hasn't launched yet. There is NO excuse for every container (there were 5 nested containers) having a clearfix on it when they are all positioned fixed or absolute. I am reconsidering the responsibilities I am handing to them now and I don't like that. But the reality is, I hire people to make my life easier. If I have to put off everything I am doing to read a 2000 word email about whats broken and who's fault it is, I would rather build time into my schedule just to do it myself. Takeaways from the above rant: 1. Your boss doesn't give A SINGULAR FUCK who's fault it is or WHY it isn't working. I care about (1) what I need to do to get it fixed and (2) that you are going to fix it and (3) if the fix you are going to implement is going to push / block other deadlines. 2. If you do not make your boss's life easier, they will not continue to work with you. End of conversation. I will gladly pay an employee whatever they ask for -- even if it's above what I'm making on a fucking project -- if they make my life easier. You don't have to know everything. You don't have to be the best at anything. If I can pay you $100 so that I don't have to deal with 1 thing, I will do it. In an instant. Oh! But I did get my Project Fi invite!!!!!! WOOOOO. Now I have to buy a nexus 6. If anyone wants two refurbished (by me) nexus 5s with differently broken screens and one with a faulty LTE connection work, message me an offer. They both have Lollipop on them but a factory reset will push them back to 4.4 or whatever. The one I'm currently using, the screen is barely broken and it doesn't affect your use. The old broken screen / fault LTE is...a mess. I'll throw in my broken-screen'd iPhone 5s too! They'd make for a great testing device!
Okay, look, you're how old and you have employees^. You're winning, insom. Don't forget the forest for the trees. ^and not like my last roommate, who got to his tech internship and found a team of people in Bangladesh at his disposal. Real employees, maybe.
I have had a Fi invite for a while but I want the 64 gig Nexus and they don't have it in stock. The fact that the nexus doesn't have a SD card slot bothers me a lot more than it probably should, but that means I want a big ass native drive to compensate. I'm currently rocking a 16gig galaxy s4 with a 64 gig SD, and I'm really hesitant to sacrifice the storage space.
Ive been hearing September / October release but probably shipping November. Ugh. I love my nexus 5 and want to keep it. But I also want to do project fi!
I'm not a good coder by any means, but it always surprises me when people mess up HTML. I just strikes me as so straight forward, even when integrating CSS or JS, that to fuck it up takes a certain level of skill all too itself. Or stupidity. For the unaware, what kind of site is it? What does your comapany do?
We build websites for people. Design and Dev. Mostly custom WordPress or other basic CMSs. I think people mostly pay us to solve their problems, not write code. I spend probably half the time on any given project talking and listening and figuring out how to best build something rather than actually building. This is one of my oldest clients and this particular site has been a messy abortion since the get go. They recently moved over to Kentico which is the worst site to build anything in. And they wanted us to start development before all features were decided. This led to features like Parrallax and floating navigation being added after we had already QA'd the site once. I don't typically work like this but he pays by the hour for the work and typically it's in and out stuff. Html in itself isn't hard. Css in itself isn't hard. Doing it correctly and with foresight is hard, especially in a collaborative environment. Anyone can write a page of html easily and cleanly. No one can edit a page of html and add new feature and change existing features 10 times over 10 weeks with 3 other people doing the same thing and a client adding copy and not fall into the easy trap of adding to and overriding, rather than correctly implementing and going back to remember how stuff is laid out or addressed.
Ah, the ancient enemy of the developer, other people. There is a good reason I'm not a programmer and your people are, though it seems very important that you are around to fix stuff. Kinda like Hubski. Sound like a good company though, in a tough field, but you seemed to have managed to get a foot ahead. Best wishes on the rest of the project.
Don't be too harsh, some people just cannot approach a block of text on a logical structural level. Most people will have experience with using Word or a rich text form, both of which are going to hide any inkling of text markup, so it's understandable that people find the concept so alien. This is why WYSIWYG editors are so popular after all.
Hey, I'm on Ting. I'm still on my parents' plan, but if my sis or I use excessive data, we are expected to cover it. I like Ting, service is fine and all, and actually not to hard to set up with BYOD, but the range of devices, so you tend to be stuck with an older phone. For example, I've got an HTC One M7, because the M8 didn't work on Ting when I got it (though I think it does now, or will soon).