My hubwheel has gone all the way around and is at 1 circledot again. But I don't see a way to give badges and my profile says I have 0 badges to give (at least I'm assuming that's what "badges given: 0 of 0" means). Are newer users unable to give badges (I'm only 2 weeks old)? Or is there something else I'm missing?
Thanks I'm advance for this probably dumb question :)
I once saw Steve Winwood open for Santana. What a magical night that was.
Every time someone shares one of your posts or clicks on the hubwheel next to your comment, it contributes to filling out your hubwheel at the top of the screen. Each time it's filled, you get a badge that you can give away.
I don't believe that you can give away badges that other people have given you. Though, I have not received any badges myself, so I may be mistaken. thenewgreen or insomniasexx could probably answer that question.
No, it's a formula that mk knows. It's based on how appreciated (shared) your posts and comments are by the community.
rd95 Once you receive a badge you cannot re-gift it, so to speak. It's permanently attached to you and the content that warranted it.
Check out the welcome video, it delves in to badges a bit:
Does this all still apply?? I'm not sure how these badges work or if they are even relevant. I think my wheel is all the way around....idk.