Reddit had a mostly image based community, but there was some discussion as well. Hopefully the discussion could happen here too. So, what does everyone think of the MUFG capsules? Anyone's worked?
Personally, I had never heard of Ingress before this, and after reading it I had no desire to. You might find it interesting though.
That's definitely one side to the game. Personally, my general rule of thumb is that if you take it anymore seriously than any other game on your phone, at some point soon, you're gonna have a craps experience like he did. But if it's more "Hey, I've got 15 minutes to kill at the park before the bus come, why not check for portals?" it can be a fun way to pass the time. Like a more active CandyCrush.
Wow, that was a really well written article. Made me never want to play Ingress, lol