Wouldn't it be better to shower during the evenings to wash down all of your grease?
Or do you shower twice a day? Let me know.
I get pretty damn sweaty and gross when I sleep. Plus the way my line of thinking goes is; when you step out of the shower say your freshness level is 100 percent. Well it can only go down after your done showering. If you shower in the morning your freshness level starts at 100 and drops throughout the day. If you shower in the evening your freshness level starts at 100 and drops throughout the night. So when you wake up to start the day, your freshness level is like 50 percent and keeps dropping until your next evening shower.
Unlike most of the people in this thread, I tend to be an afternoon/evening shower-er. I only shower in the morning when I was lazy and put it off the night before.
Reasons I shower in the afternoon/evening:
- get the work ick off
- I have long hair and like to air-dry it
- (maybe) I am going out and want to look good
- I prefer it,
... and so on. I usually don't sweat in my sleep (like to sleep cold) and keep my sheets and pillowcases clean or clean enough, so I don't feel gross when I wake up/after sleeping. I don't get very greasy hair, I tend to feel dirty or gross before most people would think that I look that way, so I don't have that problem. I tend to wake up very early in the morning (5:30/6 am) so the less I have to do before I go to work the better.
I have crazy greasy hair in the morning, but I don't shower in the morning. I wash my hair and get my day started. I work from home, so I take a lunch break and go for a run or a bike ride which gets me sweaty, then I shower after that.
Even if I shower at night, I will still wash my hair when I wake up because it's impossible to control if I don't, and it's stupid greasy by the end of the day anyway.
I shower in the morning because I have curly hair that becomes a frizzy mess if I brush it when it is dry and sleeping on it makes it too messy not to brush. So I shower, brush it, and let my curls air dry into a happy state for the rest of the day.
That being said, I'm not very active and don't do much to get sweaty or dirty so I usually only shower every other day. On the days I haven't showered I just put my frizzy hair up into a ponytail.
Shower before bed is great, but I do need the shower in the morning because it wakes me up. I used to do some exercise in the evenings, and that was a great excuse to get two showers in... uh, maybe should start doing it again.
It wakes me up too. No amount of coffee will work if I haven't showered. The only exception is when camping. Then, a lake or river bath is in order.
I shower in the morning so that I can style my hair. Sleeping on my long, curly hair flattens it out and makes it frizzy. Sometimes I'll sleep with a scarf on if it's an early morning, but it's just easier to wash my hair in the morning.
Also, I rinse off before getting into bed or after working out/getting sweaty, but won't get my hair wet.
Mostly to wake up. I do also feel dirty when I wake up, deservedly or not. Though lately I've been showering twice daily, since I've started running after work.
I shower at night. The only reason being is I work, and then I go to gym/run/bike. I can rarely find time to workout in the morning, so I usually just take it at night after I finish my workout. In the morning I'm usually fine, but on occasion I will shower again in the morning if the need arises.
Mentally, it helps get me started in the day. Kinda forces me to get mentally ready as I'm getting physically ready.
Physically, hair's a mess in the mornings and I smell like my bed. Not a bad smell, just not really a work/uni smell.
It's hot here at night to begin with (70s-80's in the evenings usually). My dog not only sleeps with me but she burrows under the covers and pushes right up next to me. My boyfriend sleeps on the other side of me. And dog number two usually nests on my legs. So it's like being in a furry, somewhat pleasant, but mostly miserably hot straight jacket. Couple the fact that I'm sweaty and covered in dog hair with the issue that when my hair gets sweaty it does kind of a Flock of Seagulls thing and no amount of brushing will fix it, showering in the morning is a necessity. (And I just dated myself horribly with that comparison....yikes.)
I shower in the morning to get fresh afther the nights sleep, I feel so much better and ready for the days tasks after that. Then in the evening after work, i shower to clear of all the clogs of sweats from doing physical activities. the evening shower calms my nerves and helps my body to relax which made falling asleep easier.
I mostly use showers as a way to wake up, so a really hot blast of water in the morning is great. Also, like wario said, even the shortest nap makes me clammy and sweaty and gross. I also have the issue that I have a lot of hair, so sleeping with it wet just makes everything soggy.
I like showering in the morning to help me wake up and feel fresh and ready for the day. Also, I usually exercise in the evening, so I’ll shower after that again anyways.
In my opinion, neither morning nor evening showers are exclusively better. It largely depends on your job and daily activities.