The copy of Candide that Complexity sent me resurfaced this evening, some two months after arrival. I am long finished with it and eager to add a link to the hubskiliterarychain -- takers?
Someplace we had a little google map to track the books around, are we still doing that? I loved it.
[I would prefer that the recipient be in the continental United States, but if I must send it abroad, I shall.]
The map was posted down below by tacocat. There may be a way to let all of the original recipients of books edit it, so when they send their books they can update the map. If not, just ping me and I'll continue to update it. I would love to have transit lines on it but I don't think Google maps allows any of that; but veen knows maps. Maybe there's a secret map system online he knows about that would serve. I think that's it
Oh cool, thanks. The symbols are a nice touch.