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comment by elizabeth
elizabeth  ·  3575 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, how do you feel about drugs?

You tried acid? Last time we had a drug related thread and I seem to remember you saying you'd like to try it someday. Recent experience ;) ?

I also kinda disagree that drugs are a taboo topic on here. I feel like we've had many discussions with people being very open about what they tried.

Next time a friend offers me some drugs, I'm gonna go for it. I kinda broke through this stupid barrier I had in my head about "hard drugs". I was mainly like BrainBurner, just terrified about the effect a drug would have on me and the whole loss of control but I got over that not long ago. I'm not gonna seek out some drugs but next time somebody offers, the answer is yes.

I honestly wish I passed that point before this summer. I had extremely knowledgeable people offer me some crazy cool drugs and I said no. I was not ready at the time but now kinda wish I was. Time to go back traveling :P

nowaypablo  ·  3575 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Please make sure you're in an environment, in a state of mind, and with company that are all as positive as can be!

Smoking weed with your closest mates to the strumming of a guitar is a very different experience from smoking weed at a party to Drake. By making sure you're in a good situation beforehand, you will never have any anxiety or a need to worry while you're actually on it, and it really makes a difference. That said, it's not for everyone and every drug affects every person differently.

Acid was last week for me during holiday break. I did it alone in the morning and then after my first and second major peak I went outside to some refreshing winter air and met some friends who kept me company. We shared lots of hysterical laughter at my epic state of being. I did have frightening intervals of time that I learned were the "bad trip" bits but they weren't so bad in fact, and I enjoyed the fact that I experienced what they were. I'm really so happy that I tried LSD and I have no regrets. Slept like a baby that night as well.

If you're ever back around NYC I'd be more than happy to treat you to some red velvet cupcakes my friend bakes with weed in them! :D It's good stuff.

elizabeth  ·  3575 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah I learned the thing about good company in High School when smoking weed. I was hanging out with the older kids and I alway felt judged. I guess it was the whole high school drug experience that's all about being cool and not about the experience itself. Then these people went on to harder stuff and since I already didn't feel 100% smoking weed with them, I just slowly backed away from that crowd. I'm glad I did because I now realize I was a bit too young for that shit (we have a strange system, I graduated high school at 15) .

The thing is, I was in that super positive and supportive environment this summer twice! I don't necessarily regret not going the drugs that were offered to me because we still smoked lots of pot and it was fun, but I just wish I could teleport back there for a weekend. They were really trusworthy people i felt I could rely on like 30 mins after met them. A guy with this book on his coffee table and 3 psychoactive plant in his room (salvia and some other stuff) surely knows how to have a smooth trip. He said he initiated a bunch of people.

I don't think I'll be back to NYC until this summer that's for sure but going on a little trip to Burlington for a Gogol Bordello concert in two months. Anybody from Burlington on here?