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comment by elizabeth
elizabeth  ·  3575 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, how do you feel about drugs?

Yeah I learned the thing about good company in High School when smoking weed. I was hanging out with the older kids and I alway felt judged. I guess it was the whole high school drug experience that's all about being cool and not about the experience itself. Then these people went on to harder stuff and since I already didn't feel 100% smoking weed with them, I just slowly backed away from that crowd. I'm glad I did because I now realize I was a bit too young for that shit (we have a strange system, I graduated high school at 15) .

The thing is, I was in that super positive and supportive environment this summer twice! I don't necessarily regret not going the drugs that were offered to me because we still smoked lots of pot and it was fun, but I just wish I could teleport back there for a weekend. They were really trusworthy people i felt I could rely on like 30 mins after met them. A guy with this book on his coffee table and 3 psychoactive plant in his room (salvia and some other stuff) surely knows how to have a smooth trip. He said he initiated a bunch of people.

I don't think I'll be back to NYC until this summer that's for sure but going on a little trip to Burlington for a Gogol Bordello concert in two months. Anybody from Burlington on here?