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comment by TheGreatAbider16
TheGreatAbider16  ·  3441 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hoppy Craft Beer Alienates Many

They're my favorite beers as well! But that isn't the point of the article! The point is that while hoppy beer is great, it's important to appreciate the diversity of craft beer, rather than ignoring everything that isn't tailored to the hops-lovers. By focusing so heavily on hoppy craft beers, the community alienates anyone who prefers less bitter beer, and who might otherwise be a fan.

ButterflyEffect  ·  3441 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There are some IPAs that I think are incredible, but as a whole I'm a fan of beer with a maltier flavor profile, and Belgian beers right now. A good stout/porter will go far with me too. There are far too many IPAs out there, and I think there is a bit too much focus on them and not enough on other styles of beer.

JackTheBandit  ·  3441 days ago  ·  link  ·  

yea, that was a pretty poor comment. I was lazy and didnt want to type anymore on my phone.

When I first got into craft beers, I enjoyed that there was an actual spectrum of flavors to explore. I once had a beer that basically tasted like berry juice. Wish I remembered the name.

However, I found myself very intrigued with the way hops work in beers. It's something about the ingredient that makes me want to drink beer more than anything else.

kleinbl00  ·  3440 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I once had a beer that basically tasted like berry juice. Wish I remembered the name.

Odds on it was a lambic. Lambics are a little ooky in that they're made by spontaneous fermentation like sake is. They get their spontaneous fermentation by letting the wort sit out in shallow metal pans up in the attic, then they scrape off all the stuff they don't want in the beer. I understand the process is a great deal more sanitary these days than it used to be, and that the attics are no longer full of bats.

OftenBen  ·  3438 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    and that the attics are no longer full of bats.

Yeah, now the bats are extra.