On top of it all I'm waiting on lazy-ass group project partners that I didn't choose. lmao. *twitch*
and also fuck the lazy-ass teachers who throw students into "groups" without giving them any training or guide or information or help regarding HOW TO ACTUALLY WORK WITH A GROUP.
So noway, for your future future (as opposed to your near future), buy, read, download, steal, whatever it takes, this book: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - read it and make all your group members read it.
I have a slide show (my only powerpoint ever that I can point anyone to if anyone is starting a new team and do not want to crash and burn.
I think having a thorough, methodical understanding of everything that's wrong with my group will increase my frustration with them exponentially. However I'll definitely check it out for my own sake. Thanks!
"Yeah, hi, my name is nowaypablo and it seems we've been randomly selected to be in a group together. I'm excited to work with you all, but I'm going to need to insist that you all read this book first."
-That'll go over well :)