Pretty broad topic. The photo in the post is of children playing in my backyard. The photo was taken by my dear friend Julie and I thought it a nice one to kick this off. I'll add my own this week as I capture some shots that make me think "earth"
Each week will have a different theme around a single word. Post your photos in the comments. It can be an old photo, or you can go out and take on specifically for the challenge. You don't need to be a pro to participate. Please feel free to "stick" this post if you'd like to participate or follow along. ANYONE CAN PARTICIPATE
People that have previously participated (please message me if you want your name removed): thenewgreen, insomniasexx, NotPhil Aksalon, BlackBird, AlderaanDuran, rezzeJ, b_b, mk, cW, flagamuffin, johnjohnrocks, Hell, Jeshk0, haymakers9th, demure, Hell, T-Dog, eightbitsamurai, BLOB_CASTLE, Complexity, HedonicTreadmiller, Volchek, thundara, cgod, kleinbl00, creepyinfant,white,veen,sounds_sound, smoorman1024, ando, elizabeth
"If there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from." (It's North Dakota)
That is an impressive image. It's funny that people hardly notice electrical lines in cities etc, but in this photo, they're pretty evident, aren't they? All that to bring some light to that church. This photo looks like the kind of thing that would inspire a scene in a Coen Brothers film. Great work!
Yeah, love that aspect of the deep prairie like in this picture. The power/telephone poles zig-zagging around, not making any sense whatsoever except to get from point A to point B. The lines come in in the top right to a house, then go back to the pole and make their way to the church. Thanks, glad you like it. This is one of my all time favorites.they're pretty evident, aren't they?
Those are great shots. I like that you kept the boat at the center of the composition. I would have been tempted to have it just left of center, but in doing so I would have suggested that it was traveling in a specific direction. As it is, the viewer doesn't know if they're coming, going or standing still. I like that, suspense.
Wow, that is a great shot. After taking it, by any chance did you hike over to where the crop of trees are?
The contrast between the blue of the water and the rocks is impressive. Is this how the photo turned out or did you do some post-work? That blue really is impressive.
This was actually an incredible experience. I once found myself atop Mont St. Michel, with a rainstorm approaching from the distance. I stayed up there for over 30 minutes, waiting until I was one of a handful of people up there in the pouring rain, and walked away after the storm had passed. It was a moving experience to see the duration of this across such a beautiful landscape.
It's hard for me to grasp the perspective in this. Is the white in the foreground clouds that you are above? Or beach?
That's part of why I liked the view so much! The foreground is sometimes covered in water, sometimes not (as seen). At that moment it was a lower tide so it was mostly sand and you could do tours and such down there.
Great shot!
Apparently, I need to get my daughter a camera :)Because picking them isn't so nice :)
We were recently at a friends house and my daughter was playing outside with another little girl, both of them are 3 years old. They both came in with handfuls of flowers that they picked out of the hosts garden. I was pretty embarrassed but the girls were intending to give them to all of us as gifts so it was hard to be angry. Still, that was one barren looking flower garden after they had their way with it.
Here, have some winter: This was taken from the window of the home we rented for two months. It's where my dog died and my son was born. Lot's of conflicting emotions in that place, but one day seemingly out of nowhere it began to snow, snow, snow and the entire state of NC was overwhelmed with the kind of winter storm that would even make Northerners stop and take note. It was awesome.