Could be yours or something someone else composed.
There was a young lady of Wight
Who traveled much faster than light.
She departed one day,
In a relative way,
And arrived on the previous night.
Doggerel words spill From nerds' fingers; haiku Is hardly a art
_________________________ We require an apology haiku in /r/movies in order to get unbanned. It acts as a great deterrent for the twits and an easy penance for the serious. Haiku are the worst kind of poetry because they take no time at all if you're even vaguely competent with words, especially since most people ignore the kireji. I can write them damn near in real time. Review shit on Yelp in haiku, in fact.
Stolen from Wikipedia : Writing a Limerick's absurd,
Line one and line five rhyme in word,
And just as you've reckoned
They rhyme with the second;
The fourth line must rhyme with the third.
-Ogden Nash There's something about a martini
Ere the dining and dancing begin
And to tell you the truth
It's not the vermouth
It think that perhaps, it's the gin.
Nash is the king of the limerick IMHO, but how the heck do you get away with rhyming "martini" with "begin" and "gin" ?
Hmm.... I think perhaps I haven't presented an actual limerick. Sorry about that. I'd delete it, but I think I'll let it fly. Thanks bdm.