Most everyone on hubski knows what they are talking about. We all have specialized interests and we naturally post most often about those interests. Thus statistically we generally know of what we speak.
So it's not a bad assumption to go into each conversation assuming you're talking to a professional, or at least an armchair expert. It tends to work for me.
I don't consider myself an expert on almost anything -- nothing particularly relevant, anyway -- so my second assumption is generally that whomever I am opening a dialogue with is more knowledgeable than me. This isn't always true (and sometimes I blow it, and am rude, and sad), but that's fine; no poorer am I for taking the inferior position. The goal is after all to learn.
Anyway, that's my tiny input. I read a little bit of the other stuff in this thread, and some of the links to other things you are all evidently a-fluster about, and I think I'll keep my small contribution brief. Brevity is valuable and everything to say has been said.
- The goal is after all to learn.
I suspect there are many goals for conversing in this space.
I don't recall seeing that question in an "askhubski" thread or even in a #vaguequestionsbypablo thread. What up nowaypablo?
My greedy intent in the first #vagequestionsbypablo thread was, besides seeing who you guys were, to find out what I could learn from Hubski. For a long time now I have been on a mission to prove to myself-- and disprove the parental and academic authority that dominates my whole damn life-- that I can grow, improve, and learn using tools other than a textbook and homework. I've found it is easiest to learn from other people. All different types of people, every different type of person, and so Hubski proved to be yet another medium to interconnect that also acted as a sieve for intelligent thinkers, honest and straightforward expression of thought and opinion, and some damn good content.
What I'm saying is, that's the whole point of my tag, and i'm trying to bring it out in slightly more specific topics. Having a big field of opportunities to build an answer to that question helps eliminate pressure on commenters, and stops me from attaching stigmas of "oh lil behaves and talks like this and that" which may kill my interest in what new ideas you may bring up. IRL I've found this occurs once you meet someone and they get the feeling they know what kinda guy you are, and you are treated in this way for as long as you know that new acquaintance (he's just a weird kid/jock/nerd/geek/whatever). Maybe in an end-game I'll bring all our motives to a close:) but seriously, feel free to post it on your own of course.
- For a long time now I have been on a mission to prove to myself-- and disprove the parental and academic authority that dominates my whole damn life-- that I can grow, improve, and learn using tools other than a textbook and homework.
I would argue that it's possible to learn and grow IN SPITE OF textbooks and homework.
Most people are afraid of this route, because it is considered embarrassing, but I essentially gave up on school at en early age. I showed up, and sometimes had to cajole teachers into giving me a passing grade, but eventually I graduated. My GPA was about the bear minimum for what one could graduate with (just north of 2.0, if I remember correctly). I knew a secret the whole time: School is a sham; there are no consequences for failing. We, in the US, have a such thing as community colleges. You do well in one of those, and it's off to a traditional university for you, and with half the credits already accrued at a fraction of the cost. Second chances can be bought here, and in this case for even cheaper than a first chance. I'm fine financially. I'm happy and healthy. I don't have a care in the world. My life has never been held back for even a split second for being a terrible student. In fact, I think it's all the better for having done so.
Looking at "our" post history I found this comment by you which answers the question why are you here? The thread was actually started by pablo.
I was thinking about that earlier when I said my goal was to learn. I thought about saying, "my goal is to learn and nothing else" -- because really that's why I use hubski -- but I added "and be friendly" because that's another good reason. I stand by what I said but personal interactions are fun as well.