I remember the first time I saw this I felt a sharp pang of guilt before I remembered ants aren't conscious creatures. I have no qualms about squishing ants with toilet paper and flushing them down the toilet, but I guess the fiery molten genocide of an entire colony struck me for a second. From the ant's point of view, this has to be downright apocalyptic. That said, I really want one of these. It seems like the process is involved enough--and ants plentiful enough--that there shouldn't be too much of a danger of this getting really popular and resulting in the destruction of ecosystems.
I remember hearing once that the collective biomass of ants is far greater than that of humans. Squish away....
Bad day at the old anthill, eh? I've seen this done before on a larger scale and it's quite impressive. I'm off to check out that website, wouldn't mind having one of those in my home. Beautiful in my opinion, I like how he stands it. Bummer, he is all sold out at this time.