_refugee_, who else is in on this?
I believe it is these guys: you aesthetikx codingvagrant me insomniasexx Yossarian white fishontheplate and nowaypablo I'll check my mail. Edit: Nothing in the mail today -- but weirdly, they deliver mail on Saturdays here. Up in Canada, they are discontinuing door-to-door mail delivery. Here they have it six days a week. My guess based on the clues so far: 1. Valentines Day 2. The letters V and E are in a nine-letter word starting with V. 3. Nine people are playing so perhaps there will be seven more letters. To be continued.
If someone wants to pm me a method of taking snapshots using skype and saving them somewhere with a png or gif or jpeg... let me know. I don't know how to do that. Edit: Saturday mail delivery - who else gets mail on Saturday?
I just started watching House of Cards and all this drama is making me giddy.