At least link to the original source and give the creator some credit. People might want to read the other words.
That site is amazing, he has captured some amazing feelings into words. Reminds me of that post a while ago about whether new emotions will be discovered or not. la gaudière n. the glint of goodness inside people, which you can only find by sloshing them back and forth in your mind until everything dark and gray and common falls away, leaving behind a constellation at the bottom of the pan—a rare element trapped in exposed bedrock, washed there by a storm somewhere upstream.
Ah, I guess i was late to the party! flagamuffin just showed me the rest of the collection, great stuff.
I like to consider all the people living extremely similar lives with slightly different wrappers on their experiences.
99% Invisible has a great little story that, to me, feels like this. It's called 'Broken Window'. It's about a girl that breaks the window of a house in her neighborhood and she notices that it never gets fixed, even though someone is living there. She grows up, and each time she visits home, the window is still broken, but lights are still on inside. One day, she finds out who lives there.....