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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4083 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Fifty-Second Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

ONE YEAR That's awesome!! Thank you flagamuffin for getting this started and to bfv for keeping it going for so long. For me the #weeklymusicthread is something I look forward to but more for the music I'll find than the music I share.

You two should look in your mailbox for some special Hubski swag as a small token of our appreciation. -Thank you very much!

    This week I'd like to hear what you've posted in the past that you're still listening to.
The coolest part of the weeklymusicthread is discovering music:

kleinbl00 posted a link to Cayucas and he described them as sounding like "drunken Beach Boys," a description that peaked my interest. He was right, they do sort of sound that way. I picked up their album Bigfoot and I've been listening to it ever since. Really cool.

I'm pretty sure BlueMojo introduced me to Vetiver via a weeklymusicthread post and I listened to that album "the Errant Charm" so much that I ended up buyng their past albums too. -Great stuff.

I can't recall if sounds_sound posted the link to Sandro Perri via wmt or not, but either way I've mentioned it in wmt's before. edit: It wasn't originally a wmt post. It was Wolman. Still, we've discussed Sandro in wmt several times.

Others that I've posted throughout the year that I'm definitely still in to:

The Blisters

Adam Green

Breathe Owl Breathe

Bowie -I'll never stop loving Bowie.

Discovery -This song makes me wanna dance around the house

Foxygen -Excited for more from this band. Exciting music imo.

Hayden -thanks sounds_sound for letting me know he released a new album. Check out this link to a live version of "Motel."


For this weeklymusicthread though, I was going to post a link to a band I discovered las week called "On An On." I've been listening to their album Give In. My favorite track is this one titled, Ghosts -I love everything about it.

Again, thank you to flag for getting this ball rolling and to bfv for sticking with it. We've had book/film/poetry clubs, music exchanges etc come and go with varying degrees of success but every Sunday we've been able to count on the music thread. -That's not an easy commitment, it's a special thing and I really appreciate it.

You rule.

user-inactivated  ·  4083 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Do you know Twenty One Pilots? I think you'd really dig them if you don't already. If I had time I'd go through some old weekly music threads and find the stuff that I specifically heard of through hubski, but as is it's too hard to separate all that. But I love these threads.

thenewgreen  ·  4083 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I was just listening to the Twenty One Pilots link you provided. I like the energy but, and I'm being really picky here, I wasn't a fan of the effect on his vocals. Really seemed produced, but that's just me. I wonder, is their older stuff more lo-fi? You made the Vampire Weekend comparison and the thing about that band is they're able to make big albums that still sound accessible and humble. -not sure if that makes sense.

Should I have a different starting point for their music?

Also, back to VW -Modern Vampires is an album I haven't tired of despite listening to it a LOT. Should have added it to my list here.

user-inactivated  ·  4083 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Honestly no that's pretty representative of their style. You might try Holding on to You from Regional at Best, it's another one of my favorites of theirs. But really it does just boil down to them being a bit overwrought, especially compared to other bands I know you enjoy.

I didn't think about that VW comparison much, it may be wrong. Meant not so much musically as stylistically and attitude-wise. We'll see. Modern Vampires is incredible, speaking as someone who didn't like the first two albums much.

EDIT: a preemptive thank you for whatever's in my mailbox! I'm away from it for a day or two but I'm excited. Hope the postal service managed to work, can't always count on that.

thenewgreen  ·  4083 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I like all of Vampire Weekends albums but Modern Vampires for me is the best album I heard all year, it continues to provide. I really dug Foxygens We are the 21st century Ambassadors of Peace and Magic too. -It's hard to be that derivative and still end up with your own thing.

I'm excited to see what 2014 brings! Enjoy those shows and thanks again for getting this thing started.

_refugee_  ·  4083 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm glad you like Foxygen, I'm a fan. I wanted to see them when they showed up in Philly but their concert sold out.

Also, my love for Vampire Weekend knows no bounds. For a long time I wanted to look exactly like this girl. I bought that album on CD and on vinyl - vinyl you get a nice big poster of the cover art. It's front and center of my "music" wall in my room. - I still think she is stunningly beautiful.

veen  ·  4082 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This post reminds me how much music I've picked up from your posts. While I'm not a big fan of The National-esque vocals like Breathe Owl Breathe (too whiney sounding), I really like that Vetiver and The Blisters song. That Discovery song is amazing as well.

user-inactivated  ·  4083 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    For me the #weeklymusicthread is something I look forward to but more for the music I'll find than the music I share.

That's a good point, updated the post