I really wonder how many people are ashamed to admit that they're actively using or have tried online dating sites. I guess it'll take more than You've Got Mail! to make online dating acceptable, much less cool. I'm open to the idea of online dating, but there certainly is a stigma about the issue. I wonder if anyone's working on a start up that engineers social interaction on a mass scale.
See, and by the time I got out of the online dating pool in 2003 EVERYONE had been doing it for a couple years. That shit really hit hard and fast about '99 or so and nobody looked back. The guy's argument wasn't exactly coherent or well-founded. It was sort of "online dating sucks, it's someone else's fault, so sign up for my website where the drudgery of dealing with the suck of online dating is offloaded onto your friends."
His solution is pretty shitty, but he does a really good job, imo, of at least picking up on all of the problems. Personally, I don't understand why users are allowed to carpet bomb the other gender with requests. I would at least either rate limit them or make it a offer/accept system, where they are given a suggested candidate and they can choice whether to message them or wait for the next suggestion.so sign up for my website where the drudgery of dealing with the suck of online dating is offloaded onto your friends."
I'm happily married, but if I were single I would not hesitate. I have some friends that are adamantly opposed, or just too lazy to do it. Then I have others that have used it and have had a blast! They met lots of really cool women and have really enjoyed the process.
Uh, Superman, who lives in Metropolis but is from the Heartland. Just about every superhero movie (the biggest money makers and the most viewed films) are as Right Wing as they come. There are countless movies set in the middle of the country. The fact that you can't name one is you being facetious or willfully ignorant. Not sure which.
Can I have what you're smoking? Superman, spiderman, battleship, GI Joe - do you really think that's hollywood? (And it's instructive that you view hero's as "right wing," just saying.) Dude, you are missing 90% of revenue: Glee, How I Met Your Mother, Vampire Diaries, 2 1/2 Men, The Good Wife, etc. I think you could argue that The Arrow and the like are "right" (I would call them centrist or traditional) but they're small taters. _XC
I love superhero movies, but they are most definitely right wing in their world view: A man or small group arming themselves to defend the world against evil (often where the government can't or won't deliver). The Dark Knight Rises was about a lone billionaire stopping a communist-terrorist from destroying capitalism as we know it...and it grossed well over a billion dollars. I don't watch network TV, so I can comment on the things above. Hollywood has very liberal individuals making movies, but the studio bosses only speak one language, and that's money. They don't have an ethos other than what sells.
I know, I was joking about the Patriot, as its essentially a superhero fantasy about the AR. I stated above what I think is inherently right wing about superheros. The lone gunman out to save the world from the mysterious and mindless evildoer is the NRA's wet dream. That doesn't mean they are good, entertaining stories, just like inherently left wing movies can be great and entertaining (Philadelphia, for example). Superhero genre is very similar to the Western genre, another of my favorites, but also one that I interpret as far more right wing than left. I don't think this is instructive. I think it means I'm entertained by acts of heroism against odds. Because I love seeing Clint Eastwood acting as a bad motherfucker in The Outlaw Josie Wales ("Dying ain't no kind of living" is one of the best lines in Hollywood history, IMHO), doesn't mean I wish that the South had won the civil war.I love superhero movies, but they are most definitely right wing in their world view: A man or small group arming themselves to defend the world against evil (often where the government can't or won't deliver).
Those shows may picture liberal-leaning characters (I haven't watched a single episode of two of those), but I'm still unconvinced that they are communist-promotions (Even in disguise). I'm less invested in b_b's point of it having examples of right-leaning than strong cases of communism, which I see as ideologically decoupled from liberalism (Be it true communism or socialism).