Happy Sunday!
Last week's thread, which was awesome as usual. I didn't finish listening to all the music mentioned until Friday, so y'all are doing something right.
My rec for this week: a strange and haunting (and thus perfect) track called And Finrod Fell, by the band Ainulindalë. If you're as big a fan of The Silmarillion as I am, that's pretty much enough said.
Bonus rec: Isn't It a Pity, from George Harrison's All Things Must Pass double album, which I've been listening to repeatedly this week. Extra, extra! Jim James of MMJ singing Harrison's My Sweet Lord on his album Tribute To. Most faithful cover on the album, just gorgeous.
Thanks for the nod B_C. I'm glad our music is finding some ears.
This is still the only CD i have in my car. I am forced to listen to it when I am on the phone or too lazy to plug my aux cord in. Good thing it's good.
I can't stop listening to Neutral Milk Hotel's album "In an Aeroplane Over the Sea." Here is the whole album.
Classic album. Anything Neutral Milk Hotel / Jeff Mangum related is great. I had the chance to see Jeff Mangum on his recent tour, and it was an incredible experience.
Woah. I had no idea Jim James did that cover, thanks for sharing that. Anything George Harrison is great. I've been listening to Ex Cops nonstop lately. If you like pure, surf/lo-fi influenced Indie Rock then you'll love this. It reminds me so much of Girls first album. This is easily the favorite thing that I've discovered this week. Outside of that, there are a couple of other bands I've been listening to a lot lately. I'm almost always listening to The Men, a punk/folk punk/noise rock band. Their one of my favorite bands, however, I've been listening to their very first album lately. It kind of terrifies me, it's straight up noise rock, but as usual the songs are great. As a last band, Toro Y Moi has released a new album lately and I've really been digging it. It's a great chillwave album with some funk influences, once again he has managed to transcend the genre and keep it fresh. Here's the single, So Many Details from that album, which I think is a great song.
It's funkier, I get a lot more of a funk feel from this, and I feel that his production has only gotten better. It's kind of a more glamorous version of the chillwave music he's been making for the past few years.
I wonder what Jim James voice sounds like when it isn't dripping in reverb? Seriously... It's almost comical the amount he uses on his vocals. Still, it works for him.
I would probably start with Underneath the Pine for Toro and then go anywhere from there. I've never delved into James solo work, despite being a My Morning Jacket fan so I'll probably do that tomorrow.
I cannot stop listening to this. Samples Trouble Funk's Still Smokin' heavily (so heavily it might as well be a remix).
Kindness - That's Alright
Alright let me check my last.fm
I've been listening a lot to the new Purity Ring album, I like it more than I thought I would. The first half of the album is okay, but the second half is holy shit good. Listen to this one Also the new Milo double EP. Milo has his own style that it's kind of fun, but not great. The instrumentals however are fucking dope. This one is good
Also the new Holograms albums, pretty good.
Nosaj Thing and Gayngs too.
Art Neville - What's going on
This is pretty representative of a lot of rare early soul stuff I have been enjoying. William Onyeabor - Let's Fall In Love
William was my find of the year last year, I just can't stop digging him. HIDDEN ROOM - ANTWON
All ANTWON's stuff is free on bandcamp. He has his own style and takes risks on production. New San Fran sound? STEVE ARRINGTON & DAM FUNK - I BE TRIPPIN
Good blend of New and old. I'm a Damn Funk fan and a fan of steve's band from the 70's-80's Slave. It think they are working well together and look forward to the full length. Call Me Maybe (Quarters Codeine Remix)
A friend of mine is on a tear with slow remixes of pop songs, this is one of my favorites.
Arthur Neville's voice is incomparable, so I won't even try. I could listen to Tell It Like It Is over and over again for the rest of my life. Call Me Maybe remix added something and it lost something, but I couldn't tell you what. Made me smile, anyway, which is something the Neville Brothers rarely do. Dug the other links, great varied post. Thanks a bunch.
I got turned on to Art from a Mississippi records tape, download it here. (hint, click the zip link). It's a great little mix tape, most of their mix tapes have bits of wonder on em.
http://rootstrata.com/rootblog/?p=1387 If you dig it think about buying something from their reissue catalog. I live about five blocks from their record store. If you had a chance to shop there you would realize they issue these records and tapes out of love for the music, it's a tiny but great little record store. Another gem I discovered on a Mississippi tape that I shared on Hubski a while back. http://sahelsounds.bandcamp.com/track/hamadth-kah-ce-weeti
Downloaded the tape series, I'll check it out tonight.Another gem I discovered on a Mississippi tape that I shared on Hubski a while back. http://sahelsounds.bandcamp.com/track/hamadth-kah-ce-weeti|
This was wonderful and very familiar sounding for some reason. Like an African Message in a Bottle.
Okay, see I thought that had to be the case, but parts sounded unfamiliar and I didn't find any credit anywhere. But yeah you're totally right about the Police, and right about the interesting "international" feel this guy brought to the cover.
Gorgoroth, "Pentagram" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHfgXh1506Q - full album First full length by the black metal supergroup (led by guitarist Infernus) from 1994. Heard it in an older friend's car (an influencer, he was the guitarist in a band where at 16 years old I was at the low end of a nine year age gap in the group) at a young age and it stuck with me ever since. I don't really put on any pretentious airs about sincerely enjoying black metal (as an adult, that is ;) but this is an album that cannot be denied. #shreds When my girlfriend and I started dating, the same friend who turned me on to this album suggested that on our first date, if my girlfriend could "hang" with some of the more hilarious/terrible music I was into way back when, then she's a keeper. I played for her a selection of noise records and eventually this album, too. Every few years we put it on blast and drive around the suburbs listening to it, like idiot children. We did that a few days ago and the next morning she wrote me an email while I was at work to say that two crows were sitting outside her window, but were eventually chased off by some kind of large grey duck-like bird. I replied with the wikipedia entry for Huginn and Muninn.
A friend recently asked me to check out Sleepy Time Gorilla Museum and said they were one of the best bands he had ever seen live. -warning, that video and song I linked to are pretty dark. It wasn't my cup of tea but he says there's more to it and therefore, I'm inclined to dig further. I also listened to Efterklang, The Silver Jews, Ken Stringfellow and some Andrew Bird.
The first link is highly unusual. But only on an experimental hard rock song's YouTube link would you find a comment with the word diptych in it. Anyway, I rather think I prefer Andrew Bird :pThis song is actually the first part of a diptych. The second part, "The Donkey-Headed Adversary of Humanity Opens the Discussion," is written in the voice of the Biblical Lucifer, and basically ridicules everything that is in this song. Taken together as a whole, these songs are in fact a commentary on both the people who call themselves Satanists and the very idea of Satan itself. They are written with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Critical thinking... it's what's for dinner.
Honestly, the rest of Sandman's album is pretty weak. I was disappointed because this track is so good. It reminds me of Craig Mack a bit. The timing, the slightly lazy fun rhyming scheme.