Because an Afghan was being deported on her flight to Istanbul, activist Elin Ersson refused to sit down. What happens in the next minutes shakes everyone on board
Report in The Guardian has more info.
Thank fuck there are still people like her.
I'm cynical about the man's fate, but for someone to stand up for a complete stranger because they believe the other's life is at stake is such a powerful signal.
All I kept thinking was how proud her parents must be of her.
She is being charged and risks having to pay monetary damages. There is a gofundme to help;
The story has developed today.
Apparently the man was a convicted felon. He has served his time, and is not considered dangerous any more, so would live out his life in peace in Sweden. Unfortunately, back in Afghanistan, they would most likely execute him, or incarcerate him for life, despite the fact he has served his time/reformed.
So the story is more nuanced (duh) than we thought... and is actually far more interesting, because it forces us to ask if we believe our justice systems are "working" or not.
Option 1: Man is being deported. I don't believe he should be, so I defend his right to stay.
Option 2: Convicted felon is being deported. Do I believe he has been reformed and is no longer a menace to society? Am I willing to stand up for him, despite his history, and say he should be able to stay because I believe justice has been served, and he is now equal to any other citizen?
That's an interesting question for each person to ask themselves.
Elin, I applaud your courage in standing up for what you think is right. Thank you for the bottom of my heart. People like you are necessary for our society to grow its compassion.
Good. Sweden is moving towards it's death. Be too good and get kicked. Read quran and hadish both. Misuse of trust and friendship. Reason being everyone other than muslim is govern by satan as per the religion.