- Move out of LA Literally 80 hours this week talking to architects, contractors, lawyers, etc. - Rebuild wife's business in another market Have learned more about tenant improvement allowances and commercial construction than I ever care to know again. Also, her current business is going to die an ignominious death which means she needs a new one, so I guess this week was actually a bit of a step back, despite the 80 hours spent poring over legal minutiae and ASHRAE handbooks. - Learn WWise & FMod Have not so much as fired up WWIse in a month. - Add another industry to roster Am eagerly awaiting the scathing verdict of a former editor-in-chief of Dutton to tell me how much my book sucks. Am also becoming a certified social media marketer because it's free and because it makes more sense than paying a PR firm $500 a month to post to Facebook for us. - Log into MyFitnessPal every goddamn day New Cyanogenmod update on my phone has caused it to lock up twice and drop the cellular antenna once. However, the "you haven't logged breakfast yet" notifications worked for the first time yesterday. EDITED TO ADD: Need to check out "Recondite" when I have access to headphones. My inlaws' place is so amazingly messy that I've been incapable of finding my f'ing Sonicare for three days.
I found my fitness pal to be incredibly annoying. Why? Because it actually held me accountable and I wasn't able to eat like a moron anymore. Point is, it works. Fuck it. I'm downloading it again. I'll resume tomorrow. See you on it punk. :)
I hate myfitnesspal. I suppose I should join you guys on it. I have intense difficulty estimating my food correctly. I buy lunch from my work cafeteria whenever I am there. They don't provide calorie counts. It's a salad & soup every day, so the salad is almost negligible tbh, but the soups vary and make a big impact. My strategy had been to simply choose a soup like the soup I'd had that day and use those calories. I suspect this is an ineffective way to go about it. However, uh....what else can I do? Also, my mom's cooking (I'm living at home so that happens a lot now) - not sure how to account for that unless I take the recipe, total the calories in it from all the items, and divide it out. Which can be time consuming and boring. Anyone got any suggestions? The other route I've used is to mostly eat processed/packaged foods because, hey, the calories are right on them - but processed foods aren't good in general and mess with my blood sugar too much too often, besides.
At least for me, the point isn't to be calorifically perfect, the point is to track one's intake consciously so one keeps roughly under a daily goal to achieve roughly one's long term aims. (And keep an eye on micronutrients to see if you're crazy deficient in something vital.) On the whole I (and I assume many people) eat many of the same things day in day out, so once entered the regular meals are very quick to select. Try Noom who make apps which measure things by 'a handful' and 'a golfball sized portion' of various foodstuffs. Really quick to enter the meal.
Yeah that's my problem too, as a foreign food eater. Myfitnesspal doesn't know what koufta or foōl or besboosa is, and if they do, it's not accurate to the stuff I make, and then yeah the whole "totaling things out" angle is too much work for not enough gain.
I am 156lb and 5"7 (? stupid imperial system) I have been losing weight lately, might be due to "sticky icky". Need to find out more about that because it sounds counter intuitive This study sounds interesting...